Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Views wanted on new coastal path


TR A NSPORT bosses a re seeking the public’s views on improved walking and c yc l i ng routes bet ween Mon ifieth a nd Brought y Ferry.

Dundee City Council and Angus Council are working together on plans to upgrade the coastal path between the two neighbourh­oods from Broughty Castle and across the local authority border up to South Union Street in Monifieth.

Artist’s i mpressions show a possible segregated cycling and pedestrian pathway through the Esplanade and the playing fields opposite Barnhill rock garden, with the option of a shared space shared by walkers and cyclists.

Other images show a proposed new surfaced path at West End Park west of Tayview Caravan Park.

There will also be a more direct route to the Esplanade from Bridge Street, i mprovement­s to the Balmossie Footbride, a new wider bridge at the Dighty Burn and a new puffin or toucan crossing on Dalhouse Road just before its junction with Bridge Street.

If the proposals are successful, the route would provide a continuous path for off-road walking and cycling.

Those behind the plans are hopeful of completing the process by the middle of the year before submitting a request for funding to Sustrans, as part of its Places for Everyone programme.

Dundee City Council’s city developmen­t convenor Alan Ross said: “I remember walking that way with the Kiltwalk and it was a nice walk, good for cycling as well as linking up Dundee and Angus.

“I go there quite often myself and there are a lot of cyclists, people walking dogs and all year round I think people like to use that route.”

“From a Dundee point of view I would like to thank Angus for the work they have done on it.

“It is a great project and it is something that has been needed.

“The other great thing about it is the community has been involved in it.”

For full details of the proposals, visit broughtyfe­rryactivet­ravel.com.

Comments and suggestion­s can also be emailed to broughtyfe­rry@ systra.com.

 ??  ?? City developmen­t convener Alan Ross, and inset, how the path might look.
City developmen­t convener Alan Ross, and inset, how the path might look.
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