Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Community hitting back in drugs war


A BAG of drugs disguised as sweets left outside a primary school has prompted a community to fight back.

Inchture resident Ronan Mackay said he was so concerned drugs were now being made to tempt children, he had to take action.

An informatio­n evening for children and families to raise safety awareness is being planned.

Ronan said: “It’s becoming really concerning. A while back there was a small bag found outside the school in Inchture that is known to many to be a bag that would contain drugs.

“It had an cartoon-like picture on the front. However, many others said they wouldn’t know what it was if they found it.”

Ronan added: “Drugs no longer look like drugs. More and more are finding their way into our communitie­s. The pressures to try them are huge in many cases.

“Dealers use many ways to hide and ‘brand’ their drugs.

“If more people know what to look out for then together, as a community, we can help keep our children and communitie­s safer.

“If I can help educate even one person then I’ll take that as a win.”

Ronan said the informatio­n evening – detailing how drugs were being packaged and branded – had been put on temporary hold due to Covid19 restrictio­ns, but would go ahead.

Carse of Gowrie councillor Angus Forbes said he was grateful for Ronan’s work.

He said: “I will be happy to work with him in raising the awareness of this and would be delighted to put him in touch with the police or a specialist drug charity.”

Illegal substances such as cocaine are usually carried in small polythene zipper plastic “baggies” and often feature images.

Last September Inchture mum Morgan Stewart found a bag outside the school. At the time she said that, although she never had it tested, she was sure it contained drugs.

The 21-year-old, whose daughter goes to nursery at Inchture Primary, said: “It was directly outside the school and I think it was cocaine.”

 ??  ?? The small bag believed to have contained drugs (right) was found outside Inchture Primary School.
The small bag believed to have contained drugs (right) was found outside Inchture Primary School.

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