Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Patient jailed for spitting on staff


A DRUNKEN hospital patient who spat at medical staff during a “disgracefu­l” rampage has been locked up.

Ian Clark was handed the maximum prison sentence after he previously admitted targeting a doctor and nurse at Ninewells.

Dundee Sheriff Court heard they were trying to stop Clark who, in March, had been taken to A&E following a whisky-induced tumble, from lighting a cigarette inside a bay full of oxygen tanks.

Sheriff Tom Hughes said: “At that time, NHS staff were under considerab­le strain and stress because of the work they had to do looking after seriously ill patients. Your behaviour was quite abhorrent.”

Clark, 62, was described as being unco-operative at the hospital before becoming verbally abusive.

He was placed in a bay in isolation but turned violent after he was spotted trying to light a cigarette.

Police later arrested Clark, who had been restrained by staff. In response to being cautioned and charged, he replied: “Not guilty.”

Clark, of Mauchline Terrace, pleaded guilty to assaulting consultant Barry Klaassen by kicking him on the body and spitting towards him. He also admitted assaulting charge nurse Jennifer Bailie by attempting to spit on her.

He appeared via video link from HMP Perth following the preparatio­n of social work reports.

Defence solicitor Ross Bennett said Clark suffers from mental health issues and had been struggling to obtain his full medication while in prison.

The court heard he had not shown contrition for his actions within the social work report. Despite this Mr Bennett said Clark had become tearful about the prospect of a jail term.

Sheriff Hughes ordered Clark to serve nine months in prison, discounted from 12 months because he pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunit­y.

He told Clark: “It appears to be the case you don’t really accept any responsibi­lity.

“You were unco-operative and obstructed the consultant and charge nurse. Even more appallingl­y, you assaulted both of them.

“You kicked the consultant and spat towards him, which at any time is an absolutely appalling thing to do. You also assaulted the charge nurse.

“The court has an obligation to these people to make sure they can go about their jobs in a safe environmen­t and not be subject to violence and obstructio­n to the work they are trying to do to help society.”

 ??  ?? Ian Clark
Ian Clark

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