Expert Profile Wellness Magazine

Cemeteries are the richest places

Anatomy of a Decision


I remember that Summer day back in 2011 vividly. I was pulling into the parking lot of my daughter’s cheerleadi­ng practice for drop-off. As I put the car into park, an idea that had been planted ten years prior suddenly began to nudge at me again.

It was like it was saying, “It’s time.”

Let’s rewind ten years. I was again in my car with all 3 of my babies in the backseat when I heard a commercial for a local massage therapy school come on the radio.

I didn’t know why, but I felt this nudge to listen carefully to the commercial. As I listened, I knew that becoming a massage therapist was right for me, yet the timing was off. I had three daughters under the age of 4 and ½ then, so it just wasn’t possible. I remember that I wasn’t disappoint­ed in any way. It was more like I was being told when the time is right, this is here waiting for you.

My family had always told me that I had “Power Paws.” I even broke the plumbing when I turned off the shower one day when I was 12. And, of course, I was the go-to for shoulder and neck massages.

And, back in 2011, as I sat in the parking lot at my daughters’ cheerleadi­ng practice, I was starting to connect all these dots, clues, and breadcrumb­s that were left for me along the way in my life.

It was time for me to attend school to become a massage therapist.

“But how? You’re a stay-at-home mom?”

That question was what I heard from everyone around me.

“How will this work, Laurie?” “How will we have the money?” “Who will watch the kids?”

But I wasn’t worried about any of that.

I didn’t know HOW. I didn’t know any of the steps I would need to take for this to happen.

What I did know was that massage school was my next step. I could feel that it was time and that it would happen.

And, because I KNEW IN MY BONES that this was happening, I started taking steps towards it.

First, I went to the school to take the test to be accepted. This was scary as I had been out of school for 20 years at this point -” I passed.”

Next, I needed to get my class times to coordinate with my kids’ school and after-school activities. Turns out, I could take all my classes at night. What? Yes!

Now, I needed the financial piece. During my meeting, I asked about student loans. Turns out they had just gotten approved for their school to be recognized for student loans. What? Yes!

But then, I hit a stumbling block. My student loans didn’t cover all of my tuition; I was short about $5,000.00. The next day, my hubby called me and said that he got an out-of-town assignment with his work and that the pay for it would cover the rest of my tuition! What? Yes!

Every single thing that I had no idea how to figure out fell into place for me because I took each next step.

As a money mindset and manifestat­ion coach, “The How” is the exact step and stage where I see soooo many dreams die because people are swirling around in circles trying to figure out “the how” and trying to make things happen without their alignment.

I’ll tell you what I tell them.

We don’t know HOW things will work out. It’s not our job because we cannot possibly see all the moving pieces. The universe does, though. The universe sees all the steps and people you need to connect with to help you. How would my hubby and I ever have known that he would get an out-of-town assignment covering my remaining balance for massage school?

We could NEVER have figured that out.

Even though it’s totally normal to want to figure out all the steps first, that’s not our job.

Our job is to follow our nudges, those ideas that have been planted within us, and start taking steps toward them.

And, as we discussed in this series’s first article, fear will show up all along the way. The fear is what you’re trying to silence by having “the how” all figured out FIRST. It’s like your brain says,

“If I can have it all figured out first, then I can take the step… and it will no longer be scary.”...

But that’s not how this works. And this is one reason why cemeteries are among the richest places on Earth.

We do have support, though, to help us navigate following our nudges so that they can come to life.

For example, you might be wondering, “How do I know to follow my nudge?

I broke it down for you in what I call the “Anatomy of a Decision.”

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