The Daily Telegraph - Features

‘Prince William has the late Queen’s calm and Philip’s enthusiasm’

Author and broadcaste­r Gyles Brandreth tells Peter Stanford how his latest campaign to save our public playing fields has the royal stamp of approval

- barkforour­

For Gyles Brandreth, the treelined avenues and wide, green sports pitches of Barn Elms playing fields are much more than his local park in Barnes, south-west London.

They are where he walks Mabel, the family chug – a pug and Chihuahua cross – and where he took all its predecesso­rs. “But beyond that,” he says as we stride around together, “I have a particular interest in this green space.”

Sporting one of his trademark knitted jumpers featuring a dog, the 76-year-old author, broadcaste­r and former MP walks as quickly as he talks on Radio 4’s Just a Minute.

Of course, he begins, ever erudite, there is the history of the place – it is mentioned in Samuel Pepys’s diary, was a sometime haunt of Henry Fielding, and was where Handel wrote one of his operas. And then there are the health-giving benefits of having a public park on your doorstep.

“I used to take it for granted but during Covid and lockdown, horrific as they were for so many in so many ways, I found joy in coming here for my hour’s walk with Michele [his wife of 50 years]. For the first time, I even got into mindfulnes­s, though I know that sounds a bit fey.”

The real reason we are here, however, is that, since the 1970s, Brandreth has been involved in what used to be called the National Playing Fields Associatio­n, now Fields in Trust, a charity that champions and supports parks and green spaces nationwide. Today its month-long “Bark for our Parks” campaign is launched.

The aim is to mobilise the 12 million dog-owners who use parks and green spaces to “take a four-legged stand” so they are not lost to the public forever. That was the fate facing Barn Elms 10 years ago when Thames Water tried to buy it from the council as part of building London’s “super sewer”. Fields in Trust stepped in and saved it.

As the campaign’s poster boy, Brandreth wants those signing up to pledge to walk 50 or even 100 kilometres around their local green spaces to raise funds for Fields in Trust over the course of May. “It’s not just Barn Elms we have saved. We protect over 3,000 parks and green spaces across the country,” he says.

While the charity cannot yet provide exact figures on how many are being lost – it is building a database that will do just that – its research paints a worrying picture. Some 6.1 million people in the country do not live within easy access – defined as a 10-minute walk – of a green space, while just 6 per cent of parks and recreation grounds nationwide have any sort of legal protection to prevent them being turned into housing developmen­ts or supermarke­ts. As our population rises, Fields in Trust calculates that 4,000 new parks will be needed by 2033 just to maintain the existing level of readily accessible green spaces.

“Providing green spaces and parks is not a statutory function for local authoritie­s, who own many of them,” explains the charity’s director, Helen Griffiths. As their support from central government has been cut in the past decade, councils have been making savings on their parks’ budgets to the tune of around £350 million every year since 2010.

“Next to providing adult social care, parks are low down on most local authoritie­s’ list of priorities. And even when they remain open, the cuts have had an undesirabl­e impact. They are less well cared for, with many at risk of falling into disrepair and disuse and so becoming no-go areas.”

What Fields in Trust does, when alerted by community groups or press reports of a specific threat to a green space, is to work with the local authority to agree a binding legal agreement that the land should only ever be used for recreation­al purposes.

“When local authoritie­s are open to discussing such an idea, our success rate is very high,”

reports Griffiths. “With some we have a rolling agreement to place a certain number of parks under deeds of dedication each year. But we can only protect them if the council wants to, and as budgetary pressures on them grow, more may become reluctant.”

Yet how does the charity manage to persuade them to say no and instead tie themselves to an agreement that means they can never sell in the future?

“We show local authoritie­s how it is really short-sighted to think only about money coming in,” explains Griffiths, “when you consider the cost to the public purse of losing all the benefits parks and green spaces bring from health, wellbeing and environmen­tal perspectiv­es.”

She quotes a study showing that people who use parks regularly save the NHS £111million each year because they are unlikely to go to the GP as often as those who don’t. Another suggests those who use parks frequently generate £34billion of health and wellbeing benefits.

Then there is the argument about councils’ responsibi­lity to respond to residents’ wishes. In the case of Barn Elms, as in other places, Richmond council was encouraged to recognise the strength of the community response to losing this precious green space, how well used it was, and how many sport and recreation­al facilities on the site would disappear if the sale went ahead.

The charity now has ambitions to spread protection for green spaces more widely, which is where Brandreth and the Bark for your Parks campaign come in. As well as being a fundraiser, it also feeds into its wider awarenessr­aising work.

It is a cause, points out this confidant of the Windsors (including his friend the present Queen), that has long-standing royal approval. As the National Playing Fields Associatio­n, it was founded in 1925 by the Duke of York, later George VI.

When Prince Philip married the future Elizabeth II in 1948, his first royal appointmen­t was as its new president, one that he took so seriously in his early years that he would spend several days a week in its offices directing its operations himself.

He even featured in its annual calendar, in athletic poses on different recreation­al fields in the charity’s portfolio. “My mother had what you might call a pin-up calendar featuring Prince Philip on the kitchen cabinet,” Brandreth recalls.

His own involvemen­t dates back to the early 1970s. “In my 20s, I was looking to do a bit of volunteeri­ng, and someone took me along to a Playing Fields Associatio­n event. That is where, to my amazement, I first met the [late] Duke of Edinburgh.”

A friendship developed – in 2021 he published a biography of Prince Philip – as Brandreth got involved with the charity’s fundraisin­g. “He once told me that, when the late Queen became the Queen, people were always telling him what not to do, how he had to keep out of things, and so he invented a role for himself. ‘The Playing Fields was for me an anchor,’ he used to say.”

The message he was promoting then remains the same one the charity is championin­g in its national event this week. “For the late Duke it was long-term protection of environmen­tal space. He liked to quote Mark Twain: ‘The trouble with land is they have stopped making it’.”

In Prince Philip’s time, the charity also took on the management of playing fields. “We had a technical team to help improve them. Now we are protecting them for the long term.”

Brandreth is known, among many other things, as a raconteur. As we pace round Barn Elms, he recounts trips he undertook to champion playing fields with Prince Philip, including one to open such a facility on Merseyside.

“I’d sometimes go in a frog jumper, and he would say to me, ‘Not that old joke again’. But it did seem to work with the audiences, and it did that day.

I’d go on first and say, ‘Look I can be transforme­d…’ Then I’d move away and he’d step on to the stage while I said, ‘… from a frog to a prince’.”

Travelling together by car to another of the charity’s openings, they were stopped at some traffic lights. “The boys in the next-door car recognised him and he turned and did this…” Brandreth sticks out his tongue, holds on to his ears with his hands and waggles his fingers. Passing joggers look our way. “And they did it back.”

In 2013, the Duke was succeeded as president by his grandson Prince William, now Prince of Wales. Brandreth had a ringside seat to observe the official handover in Nottingham in 2013.

“Prince William combines a mixture of the late Queen [about whom Brandreth published his book Elizabeth: An Intimate Portrait in 2022] and the Duke of Edinburgh. He has the calm of the late Queen with the enthusiasm of the Duke of Edinburgh. [Prince Philip] could be almost too robust at times but, while Prince William is also very hands-on, there is a restraint about him.”

This will, he believes, serve the charity’s cause well in the many challenges ahead, one of which is the continual pressure for parks to make way for housing developmen­ts. For Brandreth, it is a question of getting the balance right.

“Certainly we need more affordable housing,” says this former Conservati­ve junior minister in John Major’s government, “but there is no point in building housing if it hasn’t got recreation­al space near it. The green space is as important as the building.”

Other countries, he observes, achieve a better equilibriu­m. In Fields in Trust’s own Green Space Index, which compares how much easily accessible green space is available per head of the population, England lags behind Scotland and Wales in reaching minimum standards. Only one of the nine regions in England – East Anglia – manages to hit the minimum desirable target, while Greater London misses it by almost half.

Echoing the mental health and environmen­tal concerns of its current president, Fields in Trust has steadily shifted its emphasis from sporting facilities for all to promoting the wider benefits of access to green space. It is not a case of one or the other, Brandreth argues.

“The point of getting out into your local park,” he insists, “is that it works at every level, mind and body.” As he is ably demonstrat­ing as he guides us briskly for the exit, with the equally sprightly Mabel in tow.

‘My mother had a pin-up calendar featuring Prince Philip on the kitchen cabinet’

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 ?? ?? Royal confidant: Brandreth with Prince Philip at a National Playing Fields Associatio­n ceremony in 1987, left; the Prince of Wales, as president of Fields in Trust, helps schoolchil­dren plant poppy seeds, bottom; Brandreth with Mabel the ‘chug’ on Barn Elms playing fields in Barnes, main
Royal confidant: Brandreth with Prince Philip at a National Playing Fields Associatio­n ceremony in 1987, left; the Prince of Wales, as president of Fields in Trust, helps schoolchil­dren plant poppy seeds, bottom; Brandreth with Mabel the ‘chug’ on Barn Elms playing fields in Barnes, main
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