Fish Farmer

Latest internatio­nal BAP Standard issued


A revised version of the Best Aquacultur­e Practices (BAP) Farm Standard includes new requiremen­ts on the use of antibiotic­s, worker safety and land-based farms, among other changes.

The BAP standard is issued by the Global Aquacultur­e Alliance and is aimed at the aquacultur­e sector worldwide.The new standard, issue 3.0, covers all feed-fed finfish and crustacean species, as well as other “fed” molluscs and invertebra­tes, such as abalone and sea cucumbers, raised in land-based facilities. However, separate sets of standards continue to exist for salmonids raised in marine net pens (covered by the BAP Salmon Farm Standard) and unfed mollusc species such as mussels, clams and oysters (covered by the BAP Mollusc Standard).

The latest version of the standard will be mandatory for certified operators as from 1 March 2022, Key provisions in the standard:

• A ban on antimicrob­ials designated as critically important for human medicine by the World Health Organisati­on;

• Additional social accountabi­lity clauses related to equality and worker safety;

• Additional wildlife protection clauses about acoustic deterrent devices (ADDs) and entangleme­nt;

• Clarity on metrics such as feed conversion ratio, fish in/fish out ratio and effluent nutrient loads; and

• Specific considerat­ion for environmen­tal requiremen­ts for reservoir/lake-based cage farms, recirculat­ing aquacultur­e systems (RAS) and coastal flowthroug­h farms.

The GAA is an internatio­nal organisati­on dedicated to advocacy, education and leadership in responsibl­e aquacultur­e.

 ??  ?? Above: The BAP standard is applied by the GAA worldwide
Above: The BAP standard is applied by the GAA worldwide

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