Fortean Times

Churchyard shadow-man


I was recently taking my 14-month-old daughter for a stroll in her buggy through a rather nice, peaceful country graveyard near where I live. It was a bright, sunny afternoon with only a light breeze blowing. I was rounding the chapel of rest at the end of the graveyard when I became aware of a black figure to my left and slightly behind me, apparently following me. It was what looked like a two-dimensiona­l ‘shadow-man’ against the chapel wall, with a crooked hat and long, fluttering cloak or coat. It was very dense black, and resembled a silhouette or a cutout. I paused, as it was creepy, and tried to see if it was me making the shadow on the wall – although as it was a warm day I wasn’t wearing a hat or coat. The shadow man ‘skipped’ out of my vision when I did this. Coincidenc­e or not, a blast of cold, strong wind appeared out of nowhere.

I continued walking, a bit spooked but more curious as to what was making me ‘see’ the shadow ‘following’ me. I only got a bit more scared when I left the chapel and carried on walking away; I ‘felt’ that it was still following me

72 down the path and out of the churchyard, treading just behind me in a malicious way. I was reminded of those stories about the mischievou­s Puck character who used to play with his unsuspecti­ng victims to scare them when alone. I paused once more to look back, but again just seemed to glimpse a tall black figure, and just as quickly as it was gone again. I certainly walked out faster than I came in! Elvira Fortean Times Message Board

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