Fortean Times

Me and my shadow


About 10 years ago I had a friend staying for a short time. One night he was on the phone to his girlfriend while I was sitting in a chair facing the door to the hall. I saw a 6ft (1.8m) -tall, jet black figure walk past the door. It looked as if someone had cut a person out of black paper, although it walked like a real person. I thought it must be my then husband going to the bathroom. I got up and looked, but he was still asleep in bed and no one was in the loo.

About four years later, something similar happened. It was about 11pm on a hot, humid night when I couldn’t sleep and so was doing odd chores to tire myself out. As I was about to go into the hall I saw what I can only describe as a figure which appeared to be an outline made up of a white line – as if someone had been outlined in tape! It was walking towards the bedroom and my first thought was that someone had got into the flat. I searched the place, but there was no one there. To say it freaked me out would an understate­ment.

Yesterday, I couldn’t sleep and was sitting at the computer. It was about 2am and I was wide awake. Out of the corner of my eye I became aware of a dark figure standing in the hallway. It didn’t have a clear edge to it, and I was convinced that I was just seeing things – but I could feel that there was someone there and kept looking up into the hall. After about 10 minutes, the figure

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