Fortean Times

Wasp’s trophy


The report of an Asian hornet found near Tetbury in Gloucester­shire [ Ft353:10] states that this species is known to decapitate bees. This strikes a chord with something I witnessed some 30 years ago not 100 miles from Tetbury. I was on leave from training for the Airforce, so it must have been late Eighties. As a keen motorcycli­st, I used my trail bike to explore the remoter roads and green lanes of Gloucester­shire around Cheltenham. On one expedition I took a green lane that ran from Brockworth to the top of the Cotswolds escarpment known as the Green Way. Having parked up, I set out on foot to survey the route when I noticed a frantic buzzing being produced by a common honeybee and a wasp having what can only be described as a punch up. This took place on the ground and needless to say, the wasp won. As I watched for about 15 minutes, the wasp chewed or cut off the bee’s legs followed by its head. It then flew off with the head – surely not to hang up as a trophy? The predator looked like an ordinary wasp to me. This has always puzzled me and I would love to know if such behaviour is rare or commonplac­e, and among which species. Matt Chapman By email

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