Fortean Times



Regular clipsters have provided the lifeblood of Fortean Times since it began in 1973. One of the delights for the editors is receiving packets of clips from Borneo or Brazil, Saudi Arabia or Siberia. We invite you to join in the fun and send in anything weird, from trade journals, local newspapers, extracts from obscure tomes, or library newspaper archives.

To minimise the time spent on preparing clippings for a Fort Sort, we ask that you cut them out and not fold them too small. Mark each clip (on the front, where possible) with the source, date and your name, so that we can credit you in the listing (right) when we use the material. For UK local and overseas clips, please give the town of publicatio­n. For foreign language clips, we appreciate brief translatio­ns. To avoid confusion over day and month, please write the date in this form: 1 MARCH 2018. If you send photocopie­s, copy on one side of the paper only.

Newspapers in English

Newspapers from United Kingdom