Fortean Times




27 JAN

Shirley discovers unknown key on top of her bed. Knocking, tapping and loud noises start at night. 1 FEB

Scratching heard together with knocking. 4 FEB

Tappings continue, following Shirley from room to room, into the street, onto buses and into her workplace. 18 FEB

First object moves (Shirley’s glove), hitting Wally in the face. Bedclothes pulled off Shirley’s bed. A pair of slippers jump from floor onto table. That night the entire family report seeing Shirley floating above her bed. 19 FEB

Shirley places crucifix on the floor of her bedroom. She is thrown out of bed. Rappings so loud the neighbours complain. 20 FEB

Daily Mirror runs first article about the case. A chair flies through the air. Pencils, clocks, ornaments and a table lamp leap to the ground. Gold bangle disappears. Until now, family refer to poltergeis­t as ‘Charlie Boy’ or ‘Spooky Willie’; from this date on it is referred to as ‘Donald’. Medium, Henry (Harry) Charles Hanks (tube driver, colleague of Wally) visits house to try to rid Shirley of the spirit. First “contact” made with Donald (via knocking). 21 FEB

Shirley interviewe­d live on BBC about her experience­s. Tappings continue and follow Shirley to her workplace. Chair overturns in Ethel’s room. Mystery key left on sideboard later found on bed. 22 FEB

Séance conducted at Stockwell home of Harry Hanks with two other mediums (Ada Roden, Daisy Bennett), in attempt to exorcise the presence. Others present included Mrs Hanks, Shirley and Wally. Police interrupt séance, having received a radio call stating “Black magic is being practised.” Harry goes into trance and Harry’s 23-year-old daughter shakes convulsive­ly. 23 FEB

Shirley taken to a hypnotist by two reporters. Hypnotism not successful. Around 8pm rappings begin. 11.20pm, objects flying around room, photograph in glass frame flies off mantelpiec­e and hits Ethel in back. Harry takes Shirley away to secret location. 26 FEB

Séance held at secret location in evening (Harry, Daisy, Ada plus others). Cold temperatur­e reported. 28 FEB

Fire in downstairs bedroom (sheets and eiderdown burst into flames). 3 MAR

Noises become so disruptive that Kitty calls police. Shirley’s watch disappears. Wally calls out for it to be returned and it falls at his feet. He notices some missing pieces and so threatens to call police unless they’re returned. Missing pieces fall at his feet. He notes strap and metal surround still missing, makes threat again and final missing pieces fall at his feet. Later, Kitty and Shirley witness Shirley’s bedroom slippers floating three feet off the ground. Message from Donald: “I am 15. I come from France.” 6 MAR

Harold Chibbett arrives at 63 Wycliffe Road. 7 MAR

Shirley wakes up and finds her watch crushed on table beside her. Tapping all day. A clock and two pictures found in front of fire on mat in the kitchen. A ball is seen thrown in air. ‘Heavy’ scratching. 8 MAR

Donald demands further visit from “Kirch” (Michael Kirsch, reporter): “Get Kirch – I like to get Kirch on his own – I’d teach him a lesson – I poke him – I come with message later – I get revenge on Kirch – Suffocate him tonight – Save him if you like – I warn you – get him tonight for safety.” Tapping during day, even after Kirsch’s uneventful visit. 9 MAR

A few taps in the morning followed by a poker on hearth in kitchen being lifted a foot into the air. A gold cross and chain (which had vanished a few days before) discovered hanging on ornament on sideboard. Carpet in middle of room rises about an inch. Basin flies out of cupboard as Shirley is getting biscuits. After bedtime Donald taps out music (family hummed to him). Family give him sums to do and ‘he’ gets them all right. Bangs and scratches. The bed rocks. 10 MAR

Tapping resumes at 9am. A pen belonging to Shirley disappears. Just after midday, money found beneath a chair. 11 MAR

Donald taps “Get Maxwell – Kirch is no good.” 8.50pm: “I will set house afire if you don’t get Maxwell – so take care.” Three green balls of light (size of ping-pong balls) seen floating in air momentaril­y. Ethel hears a match being struck then sees a lit match slowly float through the air towards Shirley. On way down, it slightly singes Shirley’s eyebrows. 12 MAR

1am, message from Donald: “Get Maxwell – I just given you taste of what I am going to do – so get Maxwell – I warn you no one will stop me.” (Ronald Maxwell is a reporter.) Eiderdown and bedcover found on fire in downstairs front bedroom. Wally suffers burns to right hand and arm.

Shirley sleeps in Ethel’s bedroom. Loud tapping/ scratching sounds keep everyone awake. Small objects thrown about. Ethel and Shirley smell burning. Wally finds smoulderin­g ‘stain’ on landing; another discovered later in kitchen. 14 MAR

Aunt Nell has Shirley stay the night. Peaceful day. Nell hears occasional tapping and scratching sounds later in evening. 15 MAR

Shirley returns to No 63. Loud tapping. Donald wants Shirley to return to Nell’s. She does. No incidents. 16 MAR

At Nell’s house: Nell uses alphabet system. Donald tells Nell’s family not to fear him and that he is there to guard them. Tapping continues. Objects thrown. Bedclothes pulled (Bill & Nell’s bed). At No 63, JAC (friend of John’s) reports knocking on his bed. 17 MAR

Joyce Lewis (reporter South London Advertiser) and John Heel (ghost hunter) stay the night at No 63; Shirley sits with hands and feet bound with insulating tape. Hat flies off bookcase. Joyce Lewis goes to bed with Shirley – scraping noise from underneath, bedsheet pulled, icy draught, bedsheets pulled off, perfume smell changes to burning rubber smell, Shirley scratched on leg, loud bang, bed bounces up and down, Joyce’s ankle is tickled, Shirley pulled out of bed several times, her big toe tied up with string. 18 MAR

Chib asks questions of Donald (via alphabet method). As well as correctly translatin­g ‘La Manche’, Donald gives various responses to questions: “I will do harm to anyone who don’t believe in flying saucers.” “I can tell you what you people have not learnt.” “You got a long way to go.” “I come from the atmosphere.”

19 MAR

Message from Donald: “I will set fire to Nan’s bed in night – I don’t joke – ready for fire – you don’t think I do it.” Tapping and scratching from kitchen table. Electric stove twice found to have been switched on. Wally turns off at mains. Shirley lies on kitchen floor trying to sleep – violent tapping and rings on stove switched on again. 20 MAR

Message from Donald: “You made me angry – I set fire – You can’t stop me – You all must die – No escape now – I do not kid – Get out of home for tonight I set atomic gas off.” Some blue eye makeup goes missing from Shirley’s make-up case. Stick of perfume broken and scent fills the house. 21 MAR

Tapping continues. Around 10.30 electric stove switched off. Earth thrown at Shirley in yard. Pieces of burnt paper found under table in Ethel’s room. Splashes of water found and milk bottle thrown at Shirley in same room. Donald repeats demands for Ronald Maxwell. 22 MAR

1.15am: first written message found in a notebook (barely legible in blue ballpoint ink): “Shirley I come… my Shirley.” Message from Donald to Shirley (via tapping): “Go in peace to your aunt’s house.” Donald repeats demands for Maxwell and Kirsch. Message from Donald (tapping): “I tell you in French – get dictionary – Abi is kaem kip keer.” Shirley’s first peaceful night’s sleep in over two months at her Aunt Nell’s house. 23 MAR

Messages from Donald (tapping): “They will [start a] fire.” “Time bomb hidden”. “I am going now. They are around.” When questioned about who “they” were, Donald replies: “Miky and Dopy.” 24 MAR

Message from Donald: “I think got rid of them – Miky and Dopy – They gone far from here – They took my power.” After demanding presence of “Evans”, and the family not complying, Donald messages: “I am go to be bad tonight – ha”. “Non[e] will sleep – set fire under floor – you won’t [k]now.” When asked by Wally “Why did you come to us in the first place?”, Donald replies “To destroy house – I won’t fail this time.” Whistling sounds heard and muffled whispering. Words ‘Dauphin’ and ‘Dolphin’ occur in communicat­ions, plus reference to ‘lost in the Channel’. 25 MAR

Muffled whispering. Nell’s husband’s missing cufflinks reappear. Donald responds ‘yes’ when asked if responsibl­e for their return. Donald demands (via tapping) that Shirley sleep in Ethel’s room. Ethel refuses. Donald (via tapping): “I won’t go if Nan don’t do as I say – For Nan’s disobeymen­t top her out of bed... let’s go and get silly old cow up

– Silly old bugger – She is old battleaxe

– Face like nose overgrown beetroot.” Further messages, increasing­ly rude. 26 MAR

More rude messages following Ethel’s refusal to let Shirley sleep in her room. 27 MAR

Shirley at Maudsley Hospital under scrutiny of psychiatri­sts. After returning to No 63, Wally and Kitty report a sulphurous smell in kitchen. A large pudding basin is found on table full of water with entire supply of tablets (prescribed at Maudsley Hospital). Series of messages from Donald about people at Drury Lane

Theatre (“Colley Ziber”, “Nancy Mainfield”, “Sir Richard Steel”) and confirms that person tapping was born in 1653, died in 1753 and had been an actor at Drury Lane. 28 MAR

Letters written in ball-point pen appear. Donald taps along to music on wireless. Eric Davey, medium, arrives to attempt to drive out poltergeis­t. Tapping and scratching. Two murmurs. Crying out. Several messages from Donald, including: “Don’t do it – me not hurt anyone here.” During questionin­g, Donald replies he is 15 years old and born in 1798. Quiet night once Davey leaves. 29 MAR

Shirley’s legs tied together with Wally’s bandage (from burns) when in bed at night. 30 MAR

Mrs WM Durrant (well-known healer) and a medium spend evening at house. 1 APRIL

Donald tapping along to music on wireless and television. Talcum powder found sprinkled on top of piano in front room. Marks resembling arrows and flame-like swirls drawn in powder. Message from Donald: “Help me I implore – go to full name of Shirley’s childhood friend – I come here to make a link of happiness of two people – make him aware of me – go in room – I tell all about me – I am fiveteen – I lost in channel my life I knew […] I come to link happiness I did not live to enjoy – Write to [location of Shirley’s friend] – I want to bring happiness to Shirley – I go when I see Shirley happy with him.” Donald messages later that flame-like drawings were a warning that the family should get ‘Evans’ (reporter). 3 APRIL

Loud tapping throughout day. At 9.15pm, repeated demand for reporter’s visit; if his demands were not met, Donald would “be naulty tonight”. After 11pm, Donald taps message: “I talk to you in Marson [Martian]”. He then taps out a series of letters: “Gilboart-emnrylchet­ymaresasri­siefdrdkap laietoekee­rkim.” Banging so loud that family sleep on kitchen floor. 4 APRIL

Further demands for reporter (Kirsch) from Donald. Red electric lamp (Chib’s) and a torch (Ethel’s) both broken. 5 APRIL

Tapping throughout day. Two groups of objects found laid out in circles on floor in kitchen. Objects thrown in Ethel’s bedroom (water jar, clock, shoes). 6 APRIL

Box thrown at Kitty. Further demand for Kirsch. Message from Donald (following Ethel’s departure from the room): “Nan has gone – Silly old courps [corpse] – Nut case – Show up to The Court of France.” Written message received later. It is a long string of letters that is only later broken up into words. 7 APRIL

Message from Donald (via tapping): “Love Shirley – I come to make love between Shirley and Donald – Joyce – I got to give this message to Donald – Donald is not aware of me – I want Joyce to tell of me – Kerch must come tomorrow – Get him you must… This is not like the Palace in France – Shirley must dress like a lady of the Court – Get her dress skirt blouse coat shoes…” 8 APRIL

Scratching and banging throughout day. Further demands from Donald for reporter(s). Front room coffee table and chair found turned upside down. Bottle of cleaning fluid found knocked over in scullery. 10 APRIL

Donald demands: “Get Kerch – If you [don’t] I water throw.” 11 APRIL

Kirsch arrives. Donald ‘refuses’ to talk to him. In evening, Donald warns that another entity is present. Family sleeps on kitchen floor. Heavy blowing of wind over Shirley’s head. Green paint put on Shirley’s legs. Thimble thrown at family. 12 APRIL

Wally finds large footprint in talcum powder spilled across floor. Tapping at night keeps everyone awake. 13 APRIL

Cinders from fireplace discovered beneath nearby mat. Message from Donald says Shirley would have a peaceful night if she slept in Ethel’s room. Objects hurled around room. Ethel leaves No 63 to live with a daughter. Donald demands her return. Wally discovers Shirley’s legs are covered in blue paint; used tube found under her sheets. 14 APRIL

Message from Donald (via tapping): “Faira shuker, faira shuker, dom avow, selamena ding dong dam.” Later, another message: “Good by or shall I say orawar?” 15 APRIL

Message from Donald: “I come to tell what I look like – five foot high, fair head, blue eyes, 35 wide”. 16 APRIL

Messages from Donald concerning life on other planets (Mars, Saturn, Venus) and communicat­ions in the language of aliens. 17 APRIL

Donald instructs Shirley to write to her childhood friend Donald/Ronald. She refuses and Donald messages (via tapping): “You make me angry.” All bedclothes found on floor. Picture on floor. Milk bottle broken in scullery. Two kettles of water emptied over (or near) Shirley. Electric stove and oven turned on and tea towel burned. Sink plugged, tap switched on and sink filled. Scullery window opened, things thrown out.

17-23 APRIL

Cooker turned off at mains but still comes on. Frequent tapped out messages from Donald – mix of threatenin­g and informatio­n-focused. Small items thrown (spectacles, Shirley’s make-up). Shirley’s washed clothes tipped onto floor. Kettle of water kicked over. 20 APRIL

Donald taps out his father’s name as “Louie”. 25 APRIL

Message from Donald (via tapping): “Old Shagy Roots is here – He burn up the house – Be building [h]is self up

– I tell truth – I warn you it is no game beleave me – I am here to guard you.” 27 APRIL

Further demands from Donald for Kirsch. Furniture and objects turned over and piled in the centre of the front room. Tapping and scratching. Tube of paint emptied onto Shirley’s arm. Shirley’s foot tied tightly up with a sock. Her bedclothes pulled from her bed then her legs smeared with blue then green make-up. One of her dolls thrown to the floor. When Wally demanded Donald stop he taps that it was “Shagy Roots”. 28 APRIL

Further demands for Kirsch. Message from Donald: “Don’t be fools.” Shirley returns from local shop to find tea towel burning on electric stove. Smoulderin­g cinders on kitchen floor. Message from Donald: “Get him – Get Kerch – IF not you make me angry – I set fire to your house and Kerch house.” 29 APRIL

Further demands for Kirsch and Maxwell: “Get Maxwell – I do the same – Fire bed – If you don’t get Maxwell then get Kerch – I warn you […] I mean what I say.” Electric cooker’s rings switched on (but Wally had switched off mains supply, so no damage). Bedclothes thrown onto floor. Upstairs rooms made a mess (bedclothes pulled back, heavy clocks overturned, ornaments thrown about). Soot strewn across kitchen mantelpiec­e. In one bedroom, indentatio­n of 5fttall person in bed. 30 APRIL

Message from Donald: “Get Kerch – If you don’t I set fire.” Series of fires. Charles and Doris Baker (neighbours) called in to fight fires at 2pm and 8.45pm. Rags on top of a stove were set alight when mains electricit­y mysterious­ly turned on. Shirley questioned by London Fire Prevention Dept and CID. 1 MAY

Message from Donald: “If Eric comes again I kill girly.” Eric Davey (medium) visits with Kirsch, and puts hands on Shirley’s head to drive out Donald. He goes into a trance and says that ‘Harpet’ (Native American spirit guide) has come to beat Donald into submission. Continued tapping throughout visit. 2 MAY

Shirley wakes up to feel a hand on her throat. 3 MAY

Insurance company pay Hitchings family £9 for the fire. Cause of fire recorded as: “Due to a poltergeis­t”. Visitors to No 63 report thudding coming from under their feet and one (insurance agent) reports strange knockings in their own home after the visit. Message from Donald includes phrase: “I was the Crown.” 4 MAY

Wally takes Shirley to job interview at a bank. Tapping sounds heard there. 10 MAY

Demands from Donald for Kirsch: “I want Kerch – If you do not I play hell tonight… Electric wires under bedroom floor – You cannot get under boards.” Scratching on Shirley’s bed. 11 MAY

Continued demands for Kirsch. Something scrawled on scullery door. Downstairs bedroom wardrobe key goes missing. Key found hanging from kitchen lampshade. Family’s newly washed clothes taken out of wardrobe and scattered around room. 12-14 MAY

Continued demands for Kirsch. 15 MAY

Family read out questions from Chib to Donald. For example: “Were you the first son of Louis XVI?” Donald responds: “Yes.” 19 MAY

Message from Donald: “I am Donald in this age. I am originally Louis XVII, son of Louis XVI, of the House of Louis Mon Lion Ha.” 20 MAY

Message from Donald: “I know French.” 28 MAY

Message from Donald: “Clothes have changed but the way of life has not. I know more about life than you know. I was born before you. I can tell you all about Jacki the monkey, and how Connie would run and hide when in trouble. She had long flowing hair.” “I warn if [you] think of going to work Monday I break every bit of bank up – I break the home up tonight if [you] go tomorrow – I what in your mind – I just warn I will not stand for be a good boy – I very big angry – I am going to rip up all cloths.” Shirley’s clothes thrown around bedroom. Front Room messed up. Two dusters set alight on grill in scullery. Shirley’s undersheet torn. Things thrown about. Scissors put in Shirley’s bed. 29 MAY

In morning, scratching sounds around Shirley’s bed. Kitty’s house keys disappear, as do wardrobe and front door keys. Clothes from wardrobe thrown over bedroom. At night, banging and scratching around Shirley’s bed and bedclothes pulled up. 30 MAY

Three large crosses drawn in black lead appear on bedroom wall, plus one on headboard, one on pillow and one in the bed. 31 MAY

Message from Donald: “Do you know what the guillotine was?” MAY-JUNE

Sitting room commandeer­ed by Donald for his own use. Littered with dolls dressed as Marie Antoinette and other royal personages. Drawings begin to appear on the walls (shields with crossed swords; fleur-de-lis, “Roi Louis”). Disappeara­nce and reappearan­ce of money. Donald dictates when family go to bed, and that Shirley should sleep upstairs, and wakes people by pulling off their bedclothes in morning. Sometimes taps out warnings that someone is lurking in garden and house will be burgled. Tapping to welcome home family members, to accompany music and to prepare family to get paper & pen ready (for more messages).


Message from Donald: “Let us give that doll a French Royal formal name… Oui… let us think… let it be Marie An-toinette, mon de mere name. She must be her for she has a French face. Let me put the flurdeley [fleur-de-lis] on her, because my mother had it branded. Will you dress Marie as I describe: she must have six petticoats, two skirts, a top – you know, her hair all curls, a fan, shoes, the top square neck, long sleeves with lace edges – lots of lace – silk too. If you dress her for me, I get the pleasure. I will help in describing. You can look in pictures. Please do this for me…”


Fleur-de-lis drawings (in black lead) cover walls of downstairs bedroom. Large fleur-de-lis (plus a pair of crossed swords) drawn on front room wall.


Shirley due to start new job, but all new work clothes vanish. Slop bucket tipped over her undercloth­es. Large crosses drawn (with black lead) in Wally and Kitty’s bed. Face towel put on electric stove (removed before it caught alight). 10 JUNE

In evening, Shirley’s missing clothes found stowed in the piano. Knife thrown from the kitchenett­e and stuck in the window frame of the dining room. Kettle and pots tied to oven and ironing board. During night, bedclothes disarrange­d, violent scratching sounds and rappings (as though on metal). Shirley’s quilt slashed and internal red flock removed. Shirley spends night in a wicker chair. Pair of scissors thrown at Wally. 11 JUNE

While Shirley is getting dressed a screwdrive­r is thrown at Kitty (in bed). In the kitchen, a boiling kettle is overturned and another narrowly misses scalding Shirley’s feet. Shirley’s money vanishes. Found later inside a clock. After Shirley’s first day at bank, she and friend are nearly pushed onto railway track on way home. Knife thrown at Shirley from scullery; blade stuck in window frame. 20 JUNE

Donald leaves sealed envelope for Chib on coffee table in the front room. Inside envelope is newspaper cutting with pencilled words “I forgive Kirsch” and a drawing of the fleur-de-lis. Small dark-blue imprint of fleur-de-lis appears on upper

part of Shirley’s left arm and similar imprint on right side of her neck. 24 JUNE

Message from Donald: “Can you fence? It is rare in girls, but I could teach you. I knew how to handle a sword when I was only 10. You had to defend yourself in my day. It was peaceful until the Revolution came.” 27 JUNE

Sealed envelope from Donald left on coffee table in sitting room. Local paper inside with ink ‘mirror’ writing on page 9: “Out in one month. Don’t worry, Shirley.” 28 JUNE

Message from Donald: “Shirley, when I was young I played with toys. Everyone said I was mad; but I loved my little soldiers, dolls all dressed in scarlet, blue, yellow, gold, silver, black and white. It is not wrong to have a secret – I loved to play with dolls like you. I was sick of being pushed about, of talks with governesse­s, fencing lessons, dancing. All I wanted was to be free – no state laws. I loved France though, but I was not happy in Court. Boys would take my punishment if I was bad – why couldn’t they let me take my own punishment like a man? To hell with the Court of France. That is why I must tell people how lucky they are now – but it is me and people who made it so.” Message from Donald about Chib’s Lake District holiday (10 days later): “Chibbett – He going to Lake District – But him no see sauser – He might have a surprise though.” 9 JULY

JAC (John’s friend) hears a series of taps in his own home (and again on 10 and 11 July). 27 JULY

Chib questions (and experiment­s with) Donald regarding the ‘surprise’ experience­d at the Lake District holiday. All responses correct. 30 JULY

Donald orders Shirley to leave house (because he was due to have a meeting with his ‘statesmen’). When Shirley and Kitty return, they find chairs in a room arranged in a circle; books placed on the chairs; material covering the mirrors; smell of tobacco smoke. Similar message tapped out about Donald needing another conference in Ethel’s room.

Next morning chairs found rearranged and several additional chairs. 2-3 AUG

Doreen (friend of Shirley) reports tapping; movement of bedclothes; polish, two plastic egg cups and a scent bottle left in bed; being pinched. 11 AUG

Following Chib’s instructio­ns, Wally asks Donald to write number 7. A piece of paper found with Roman numerals VII, 7 stylised fleur-de-lis symbols and Arabic numeral ‘7’. 13 AUG

Message from Donald (to Wally): “I want a pen that you put black water in and it writes. Not a quill pen. I want one like Shirley has got. I can keep my own diary like I did.” Notebook and fountain pen provided; more writings. 15 AUG

Shirley instructed by Donald to leave the front room so he can decorate it. On return, she finds a large fleur-de-lis surmountin­g a shield on which seven small fleur-de-lis were arranged and a pinned up blue cloth. Cloth flies across room as Shirley walks in. 23 AUG

Small parcel found on floor of passageway by Shirley. Inside is a small gold colour crown with inset jewels (possible ruby, emerald and diamond) decorated with seven tiny fleur-de-lis. It is wrapped in tissue paper and cotton wool. Parcel replaced in passageway and when reopened a few minutes later the crown has vanished. 27 AUG

Moans heard coming from under Wally’s bed. Message from Donald: “Moaning Jim is in the bed room – Do you know fire the Nan room.” Wally heard: “Oh, Ethel, Ethel.” 14 SEPT

Message from Donald: “I still want Kerch Rena – Wee I do – And have you got my box match and do you now that Shagy Roots has taken all my matches?” 15 SEPT

Message from Shagy Roots: “I going to set fire to your bed – I warn I burn you up and tell that Donald he will go to – I got matches.” 23-25 SEPT

Messages from Donald about actor Jeremy Spenser. For example: “Do you like Jeremy? – He is sweet – I like him to meet Renee.” 28 SEPT

Chib visits with friends Eric Biddle, Ken Kellar and Marianne Francis (Ken’s wife). Eric, Ken and Marianne hold a séance and receive a message from Donald (via tapping) warning that Jeremy Spenser would be involved in a car accident on Tuesday 2 October. Several similar messages requesting people inform Jeremy of the impending danger. 1 OCT

Pale pink line appears on Shirley’s face. 8 OCT

Line reappears on Shirley’s face plus less defined marks on her cheeks. 17 OCT

Message from Donald: “I want a sweet – do you? If I was in France I would have a dragee. It is almond in sugar... If I go to France again I will go to 28 Rue du Baal, Paris, and get you one. I was given a box of dragees when I was baptized… do you want some if I get one? The Seugnot family were makers of those lovely dragees. I do not know of Mme Seugnot now. She had a daughter and two sons. The daughter was called Marie, and the sons, Perrie and Paul. But the shop is still there. I think Mons and Mme Seugnot were guillotine­d for being Royalist, but their children lived.” Chibbett sends letter to representa­tives of the French Chamber of Commerce asking about firm called ‘Seugnot’ at given address. Reply confirming “Yes” received 11 June 1958. Alcoholic liquid poured over Wally’s bed. 18 OCT

A lamp, clock and a dog ornament found on a mat in front room. 19 OCT

Report of rat poison left in Kitty’s bed. 22 OCT

During the night, Donald says: “Get out of this house, now.” Mewing and moaning sounds. Small ornaments thrown. 23 OCT

Warning message from Donald (via tapping) about Shagy Roots starting a fire. Pile of hot ashes discovered on mat in a downstairs room. Whispering. 24 OCT

Bacon and basin of fat disappear. Fat found in scullery later. Whispering. Kitty finds broken egg in her bed. Eggs thrown. Ethel finds one smashed in an armchair in upstairs room, as well as other eggs plus salt mixed with tomato sauce. 26 OCT

Water and custard powder poured into Shirley’s bed. Ethel (now back at No 63) sees unattached commode lid revolving by itself. Ethel says she is going to go into a home. John reports he has had enough and is going into lodgings. 1 NOV

Chibbett receives first letter posted by a poltergeis­t. 11 NOV

Whispering voices heard calling for Ethel. John’s lighter missing. 21 NOV

Ethel reports her left arm being tightly grabbed as she walks down the stairs. 25 NOV

Message from Donald (written): “Renee – Jeremy will have his axedent.” Later that night, Jeremy Spenser involved in car accident. 9 DEC

Message from Donald (written): “They have accendant – Paula.” News report later in evening of fatal car accident involving Paula Marshall (actress, wife of David Nixon). 21-31 DEC

Christmas decoration­s and prehistori­ctype drawings appear on wall. “Happy New Year” messages left in family’s’ beds. Fan mail sent to favourite TV personalit­ies. Daily letters from Donald received by family. Shirley reports photo of Jeremy Spenser, hanging above her

bed, sheds real tears. Frantic tapping occurs immediatel­y prior to visitors knocking at front door.

OTHER REPORTED PHENOMENA Tapping/knocking regularly (even on days where no other phenomena reported); half-pint milk bottle thrown from upstairs landing passed Kitty somehow landing in back garden (witnessed by neighbour); red and blue grease paint heard to have fallen in other part of room; small exercise book heard to whizz past Shirley and land behind an ornament in the glass case at opposite end of room; chair in Ethel’s room slowly tilts and falls over; cork disappears; small tea strainer hits Wally on back of head in the yard; strips of carpet drawn along the floor; entire room covered in talcum powder; Ethel’s ‘pig bin’ (food scraps) found alight on several occasions; whirling winds occasional­ly reported in conjunctio­n with some phenomena; various objects “float through the air”; mysterious drafts; sudden drops in temperatur­e; strange whistling noises; multiple messages (tapped and written) from Donald about French origin (by the end of Nov 1956, half of all messages are written ones); Wally reports that some incidents occur when Shirley is not there. 1 JAN

Midnight: knocking/tapping 10 FEB

Shirley hears faint voice calling ‘Natalie’. Wally discovers message on wall: “I want Natalie.” Via a ‘glass divination’ session, Shirley and Doreen establish the communicat­ing spirit is James Dean (actor, died in car crash Sept 1955). Dean communicat­es regularly for some time (via tapping, written and typewritte­n letters). 23 FEB

Message from Donald: “Do you know – Renie – John Wayne – The one we saw tonight […] is going to have a acedent – Do what you lke about it – I know get mixed up any more.” John Wayne reported to have torn ligaments in his left foot on set of film on 24 Feb. 20 MAY

In Ethel’s bedroom, drawers ransacked, purse stolen, boot print on bed. Police called but they conclude it was ‘Donald’. Family divided over Donald vs Burglar. 10 JUNE

Message from Donald (via tapping): “Renie – you are not going to work – No – Kit can say what she likes – I do not wish her to go.” Shirley’s work clothes dirtied. Objects thrown into passageway. Front room furniture in disarray. Downstairs bed stripped of bedclothes. 25 JUNE

Object thrown. Banging on walls for three hours. Piano is played three times. Shirley locked out of room. Loud footsteps up and down stairs. Heavy stick hitting banisters and stairs. Furious tapping (warning from Donald of impending plane crash). 27 JUNE

Andrew Green (psychical researcher) arrives, commission­ed to investigat­e by News Chronicle. Reports hearing: tapping generally; footsteps going down the stairs; knocking on ceiling; knocking on wardrobe; and receiving three letters and a Christmas card from Donald.


The heart-shaped pendant Donald gave to Shirley on her 18th birthday, together with its original bag 28 JUNE

Over the summer, reports of mysterious ‘poison pen letters’, signed ‘D. A. T’, received by neighbours in Wycliffe Road and Hanbury Road area. 1 JULY

Mirror in front room covered with material and chair moved. Several unsmoked cigarettes on piano top. Next morning, Wally finds cigarettes have been smoked. 14 AUG

Camera with fresh roll of film left in front room. A few minutes later, photograph­s have been taken. Eight photograph­s developed, all blurry and indistinct. 24-25 DEC

Christmas Eve. Family leaves presents for Donald (toy soldiers, a fort and chocolate clown). Later presents are found unwrapped. Christmas morning – Donald has left presents for family (Kitty – brooch, Wally – tie pin and collar studs, Shirley – perfume).


Constant messages from Donald (and other identities including the Dauphin) both written and via tapping; loud tapping and banging on adjoining walls with No 65; shopping put into shopping bag the family hadn’t bought; smoked and unsmoked cigarettes found in front room ashtray; money disappears; rooms found in disarray; letters sent to Chibbett; further attempts by Donald to take photograph­s (all were blurry). 17 FEB

Kitty and Shirley hear heavy footsteps in passageway. Kitty finds mashed tomatoes in her bedsheets. Hard tapping. 25 FEB

Dolls found in coal cellar following Donald’s prediction of a plane crashing on No 63. 11 JUNE

Reply received to letter sent by Chibbett (on 10 Oct 1956) to representa­tives of the French Chamber of Commerce. Letter states: “Thank you for your letter… concerning a shop at 28, Rue du Bac, Paris 17e. Upon enquiry, I have pleasure in advising you that there still exists at the above address a sweetshop with the heading of Seugnot.” 15 JULY

Objects thrown around front room. Piano playing. Lamp shade in middle of floor. Loud footsteps all over the front room floor.

Hissing sound. Shirley reports finding herself in a ball of green fire. Room filled with smoke. Piano playing. Feet stamping. Neighbours woken. 17 JULY

Piano playing. Sounds of feet dancing. Piano is found in passageway; Wally and Shirley move it back. Piano partly dismantled – part in passageway, part under Shirley’s bed, part on bedroom floor. 25 JULY


Parcel from Donald containing blue blouse left for Shirley (for her birthday). She also receives an ornate costume necklace. 20 DEC

Christmas decoration­s completed in Shirley’s room. Donald sends Christmas cards to various people, including Jeremy Spenser.


Constant messages from Donald (and other identities) both written and tapped; knocking; tapping.

1959 10-11 JAN

John reports hearing noises. 21 JAN

Hard tapping in morning. 27 JAN

Shirley’s pencil disappears. Found on a table in the scullery. Wally experience­s a bad draught. Wally asks Donald to blow out his lighter. After two attempts, he does.

19-20 MAR

Piano playing. Banging. Light going on and off. 14 SEPT

Shirley wakes up with faint orange marks down right side of face. Marks worse next day. 15 SEPT

Silver-coloured Yale door key appears on sideboard. Does not fit any lock. 19 SEPT

A milk bottle thrown up the stairs at Shirley, who is covered in milk. 25 DEC

“Gift exchange” as in previous years. 27 DEC

Loud banging on walls. • OTHER REPORTED PHENOMENA Constant messages from Donald (and other identities) both written and via tapping.

Harold Chibbett visits Paris. Discovers the sweet shop is not there. 1960-68


Constant messages from Donald (and other identities) both written and via tapping; knocking; banging. Hitchings family move to new home in Latchmere Road, Battersea, in 1964. Shirley marries Derek in March 1965. Shirley and Derek move to south coast in 1967. Objects misplaced or moved at new house after Shirley leaves.

 ??  ?? ABOVE:
Kitty Hitchings outside 63 Wycliffe Road.
ABOVE: Kitty Hitchings outside 63 Wycliffe Road.
 ??  ?? LEFT:
Message tapped out by Donald, taken down on 6 April 1956.
LEFT: Message tapped out by Donald, taken down on 6 April 1956.
 ??  ?? ABOVE: Piece of paper, allegedly written on by Donald. The pencil marks show the Roman numerals VII, an Arabic numeral 7 and seven fleur-de-lis.
ABOVE: Piece of paper, allegedly written on by Donald. The pencil marks show the Roman numerals VII, an Arabic numeral 7 and seven fleur-de-lis.
 ??  ?? ABOVE: Marks that appeared on Shirley’s face on Monday 8 Oct 1956, sketched by her father Wally.
ABOVE: Marks that appeared on Shirley’s face on Monday 8 Oct 1956, sketched by her father Wally.
 ??  ??

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