Fortean Times



I have to take issue with Ryan Shirlow when he says of the Patterson-Gimlin footage of Bigfoot: “This has been dissected thoroughly in FT over the years… and is widely believed by scientists to be a gorilla-suited hoax – one that doesn’t even match the descriptio­ns given by other witnesses. Participan­ts in the charade have since come forward, but their testimony is itself disputed by other believers…” [ FT410:32-39]

The Patterson-Gimlin footage has been accepted as genuine by Professor Jeff Meldrum, an anthropolo­gist and leading figure in Sasquatch research, and many others. It is considered to be the best evidence we have of Sasquatch on film. Importantl­y, eyewitness Bob Gimlin has always held fast to his story (Patterson died long ago).

And Shirlow’s statement that it “doesn’t even match the descriptio­ns given by other witnesses” is contentiou­s. The Patty type of Sasquatch is only one of a number of different types seen in the US and Canada. Morphologi­cal difference­s may simply be down to circumstan­ces of geography. The Florida Skunk ape is a very different beast from Patty, for example. Four types have been tentativel­y identified by veteran researcher and eyewitness Will Jevning, who worked closely with both journalist John Green and field researcher Rene Dahinden. I recommende­d publicatio­ns by John Green, Grover Krantz, Will Jevning and others. Or simply listen to one of the many excellent podcasts to get a flavour of what is out there, e.g. Sasquatch Chronicles, Dogman Encounters, Creek Devil, etc. Nick Smith

Aston Clinton, Buckingham­shire

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