Garden Answers (UK)

Organic solution

How can I improve soil in a dry shady spot? Any plant suggestion­s?


Dry soil can be improved by adding organic matter – either as a mulch or by digging it in. Because the soil is dry and well-drained, any organic matter will be rapidly decomposed, so you’ll have to add the organic matter regularly for any long-term effect. So, try to locate a good annual supply of well-rotted farmyard (strawy) manure, garden compost and/or leafmould. Most tough evergreens, including viburnums, berberis and vincas, will thrive in dry shade. It’s important that any plants are well watered in the first season until establishe­d. Other plants worth trying are epimediums, lamiums, mahonia, pachysandr­a and small bulbs such as snowdrops, cyclamen and daffodils.

 ??  ?? Tough evergreens can cope with dry shade
Tough evergreens can cope with dry shade

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