Garden Answers (UK)



1 Aromatic plant genus commonly known as catmint (6) 4 - - - - cane, name often given to the foliage houseplant dieffenbac­hia (4) 8 Colourful S African half-hardy annual called the Transvaal daisy (7) 9 orchard fruit of which ‘Braeburn’ and ‘Bramley’ are examples (5) 10 - - - - Chatto, uK plantswoma­n with gardens at elmstead Market, essex (4) 11 Heavy, sticky soil type not easy to dig (4) 16 Composted vegetable material or leafmould used as soil conditione­r (5) 18 Gloucester­shire National Trust garden famous for its lavender (7) 19 evergreen conifer, Pinus sylvestris or Scots - - - - (4) 20 ‘- - - - - - Castle’, creamy white rose and birthplace of Princess Margaret (6)


1 Aquilegia vulgaris ‘- - - - Barlow’, with double red-green blooms (4) 2 Arisaema triphyllum, perennial corm also called jack in the - - - - - - (6) 3 Big striped cat lending its name to a type of Asiatic lily (5) 5 Botanical name for the genus to which common gorse belongs (4) 6 ‘- - - - - -’ of Bath, early nominally handsome cultivar of 9 Across (6) 7 Plant of a wide genus of rhizomes that might be bearded or Siberian (4) 10 Clerical rank denoting dahlia series – llandaff or oxford perhaps? (6) 12 Genus to which dead nettle belongs (6) 13 - - - - in summer, common name for vigorous Cerastium tomentosum (4) 14 Nutcase! (5) 15 The - - - - Project, Cornish global garden housed in tropical biomes (4) 17 Term used for small onion bulbs planted in spring for early crops (4)

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