Garden Answers (UK)



Q What can I do about mildew on crops?

A Ventilatio­n is crucial. If you’re using cloches or growing in the greenhouse then a lack of air flow can leave plants at risk of fungal diseases. Open up greenhouse doors on all but the coldest of days and ensure cloches have some ventilatio­n too. Remove cloches when temperatur­es allow.

Q What if the leaves get frosted?

A Keep plants small. Pick larger outer leaves for the kitchen and you’ll be doing your plants a favour too. Big fleshy leaves fare badly in cold snaps while small ones soon perk up again.

Q How much should I water in autumn?

A Outdoor plants shouldn’t need watering; if anything, you’ll need to protect them from excessive winter wet, especially on heavier soils. Once you go under cover you’ll need to give ground an occasional but deep drink; just be wary of overdoing it.

Q How can I keep pesky slugs at bay?

A Tidiness pays. Remove weeds and old or diseased leaves, ensure there are no hiding places for slugs. Keeping a tidy garden doesn’t just please lovers of neatness, it helps keep plants healthy too.

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