Garden News (UK)

Do some spring maintenanc­e!

Prepare your plot well now and you’ll reap the rewards later


All your hard work sowing and planting this month will come to little if you haven’t cleaned, tidied and made your garden hygienic for the coming season. A healthy, organised garden means thriving plants and less to do later on.

Start by throwing away, giving away or repurposin­g all those little plastic plant pots your plugs from the garden centre have come in. If they’re sitting around, they’ll only be forgotten and gather slugs, pests and disease.

Clear out anything you don’t need from the greenhouse and have a good scrub down with soap and water. Ventilate the greenhouse occasional­ly, and check your tools – do they need a clean, scrub or a good oiling? There’s always weeding to do, so add it to the regular list of maintenanc­e tasks to be done weekly. Little and often is the key!

Clean out large or small container ponds now, snipping down old plants, clearing out weedy growth and having a general tidy up. Plan some new pond plants now, too, ready for planting in a few weeks. Pond fish also need feeding now.

It’s the time to organise a new border, and as the weather is warming up you can be planting it up over the next few weeks. If you’re feeling arty you could even draw up how you’d like it to look!

Even the most mundane garden chores can be inspiring as well as vital to ensure you have the best possible gardening year.

 ??  ?? Get your g a rd e n shipshape for the coming sea son!
Get your g a rd e n shipshape for the coming sea son!

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