Garden News (UK)

Detox while you sleep!

“My clothes are so much looser and I have so much more energy, thanks to Detox Foot Patches”


ACCOUNTS administra­tor Petra Dawson struggled to lose weight for years. After having two children she never regained her figure. After trying all kinds of diets she has finally found a solution that works for her. The answer lies with detoxing whilst sleeping! Sally Jennings reports.

Having written about all sorts of pills, shakes and diets, I was intrigued to hear about a weight loss method of a very different kind. Petra Dawson has been at least a couple of stones overweight since her late thirties. But as her two children grew up and flew the nest she found herself leading a much more sedentary life. She explains “I work full time, in a busy office and when I get home, I feel too tired to do any exercise and despite my best efforts we often eat convenienc­e food, rather than cooking from scratch, and at the weekend my husband and I love nothing more than relaxing at home with a takeway and a bottle of wine. I do try to go for the healthier options, but in the winter it gets harder.”

Over the years her weight gradually piled on. Her clothes became tighter and she became more and more self conscious of her figure, to the point where she didn’t want to go out. Added to that her doctor was worried about her rising blood pressure and cholestero­l levels. Like any of you reading this, Petra had ‘tried’ all the diets and the new crazes but always failed after losing the odd pound here and there.


“I knew I was in a real rut” Petra told me in the café at her local sports centre. “I was just in this never ending vicious cycle of eating all the wrong foods… it was too easy and that’ s why they call them‘ comfort foods ’. My mum always carried too much weight and she was only 66 when she died of a heart attack. Tragically my two kids missed out on having a grandmothe­r around. It should have been a wake up call for me but instead I found myself comfort eating. My best intentions to be healthier went out of the window.”

Petra has genuinely seen some dark times which have resulted in her further weight gain and health problems. “When I was younger, I was the life and soul of the party but after the children, I slipped into a really bad routine, and eventually I just didn’t want to leave the house apart from going to work or shopping. I knew something had to change.”


Thankfully things have really changed, just over a month ago, Petra read a magazine article about the ‘incredible health and weight loss benefits’ of Detox Foot Patches.

She loved the idea that you could detox your body at night while sleeping, which could help with healthy weight loss and also reenergise the mind and body. Petra’s husband Dean had used nicotine patches to give up smoking after being a 40-aday man so the idea of patches working for other health issues seemed to make complete sense.


Dean’s nutritioni­st brotherin-law told her that the natural ingredient­s in a Detox Foot Patch (Tourmaline, Bamboo Vinegar, Wood Vinegar and Chitin) are completely safe and used successful­ly in many cultures. In terms of weight loss, the digestive and whole metabolic system begins to fire on all cylinders… and the result is healthy weight loss and a powerful boost to energy levels! They help to cleanse and detox the body which revitalize­s the immune system, boosts circulatio­n and provides anti-oxidants to fight disease – surely a win-win situation!

I asked how they work. “So you wear these patches at night” Petra explains. “You don’t even have to move! Just pop them on and that’s it. Then in the morning take them off and you’ll see all the rubbish that has passed through your system… the darker the patches the better – just like a thorough spring clean of body and mind. The first time I used them I couldn’t believe how much rubbish had come out of my body.”


After using the patches for a few days she felt a spring in her step, her clothes felt a bit looser and her skin glowed more. After using them for a week she weighed herself “I couldn’t believe it, I’d lost 5lbs and to think all whilst I was asleep!” Her energy levels rocketed and now instead of having takeaways in front of the TV, she and Dean cook healthy meals together and afterwards take their ageing neighbour’s dog for a half hour walk… and this is the healthiest and the closest they’ve felt in years.

“Friends started to comment on my weight loss and asked how I’d done it. I know that not everyone believes that patches could work, but they worked for me, and that’s all that matters. They have been worth every penny. I’ve got my confidence back and even started pilates classes.”

Incredibly and in just over a month Petra had lost 1st 10lbs – she feels great in her clothes but more importantl­y she feels great in herself! Detox Foot Patches are available direct from Health Broadcast Ltd. To order call 0808 208 9190. They’re normally £30.00, but you can order today for just £19.95 and if you order 3 boxes you’ll get a 4th box FREE.

 ??  ?? Petra Dawson says she has never felt so good.
Petra Dawson says she has never felt so good.

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