Garden News (UK)

Keep strawbs in fine fettle

Weed-suppressan­t mats will help get a good crop


Weed-suppressan­t mats help keep weeds at bay in your strawberry patch, while protecting the berries from soil and rain splashes and helping to deter slugs. These planting membranes can be supplied in large rolls if you’re creating a bigger berry patch, or as individual mats to place around a few plants. For larger plantings, prepare the ground well, digging out all perennial weeds, removing any sticks or stones and raking it flat. Roll out the membrane and cut to size with scissors, allowing a 2.5cm (1in) overlap where two pieces meet. Secure edges in place with stones or pegs. Position strawberry plants on top and cut an X into the fabric with a Stanley knife, just large enough for the plant to fit into. Tuck back the flaps, dig a hole with a trowel, then insert the strawberry plant. Firm it in, water well and reposition the fabric.

Vitax Mulch Mats, £5.50 for 10 x 25cm (10in) biodegrada­ble mats; www.garden4les­

Suttons Mulch Mats, £7.98 for 20 x 30cm (12in) reusable mats; Agralan Slug and

Weed Mat, £10.99 for 1.8 x 0.5m coppertrea­ted mat to act as a slug and snail deterrent; www.pestfree

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