Garden News (UK)

Is it a mini beehive?


Q Has my neighbour got a mini beehive in their conservato­ry?

Derrick Jones, Stoke

A The golf ball-sized structure isn’t a beehive but the start of a wasp nest. It will have been constructe­d by a queen wasp which has emerged from hibernatio­n after winter. It’s constructe­d from fibres gnawed by the queen from wood and mixed with saliva. It will contain a small piece of comb with hexagonals­haped cells where the eggs are laid. From these will hatch infertile females (worker wasps) who take over the task of nest building and gathering food. Get a suitable aerosol insecticid­e for wasps and spray inside the nest. Retreat behind closed doors and remove it the following day.

 ??  ?? Beware, this is the start of a wasp nest!
Beware, this is the start of a wasp nest!

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