Garden News (UK)

Still clearing uup and cleaning ‘windows’…


The tomatoes have continued providing plenty of fruit during the long, mild autumn, but they, too, need removing and, as they’re pest and disease free, can be dispatched to my compost heap. The last of both the red and green fruit are harvested, then the plants are pulled from the border. When all this debris is removed the inside of the windows are washed to remove algae. I fill a bucket with water and add a small amount of Jeyes Fluid, using a sweeping brush to wash the glass thoroughly. The greenhouse will then be ready to erect some staging for winter storage of tender plants, and for early sowing.

With space available under cover, I’ll fill a florist’s bucket with multi-purpose compost and sow winter mix le uce. These grow well in cool conditions with reduced light levels, providing crisp salad leaves during winter months.

 ??  ?? Greenhouse glass gets a good clean
Greenhouse glass gets a good clean
 ??  ??

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