Garden News (UK)

Repot orchids

They appreciate fresh compost every few years


Spring is an excellent time to get things in order, check over plants for signs of damage or stress and help them out for the coming season. Orchid houseplant­s can eventually outgrow their pots and as the roots becoming congested inside, they’ll need repotting. Even if they haven’t outgrown their pot, you should always repot your orchids every couple of years anyway, as you can then provide them with fresh compost – the airy, bark compost tends to naturally break down, becoming too congested for the roots, which like air and light getting to them.

Your orchid’s pot is clear for a reason – the stringy aerial roots, even when tucked away in there, will get light to them, which is essential. It also helps you see inside, to check healthines­s and to see whether it needs watering, so try and keep your clear pot if you can, or source new ones from a garden centre. Always leave the roots that are poking out into the air at the top of the pot alone; don’t try to tuck them tidily away inside as they like to search for air and light.

Once you’ve repotted, water well but don’t let your plant sit in water. A good tip is to add a couple of ice cubes onto the surface of the compost and roots – keeping them away from the foliage – every week for watering. They’ll melt, giving time for the roots to absorb the water without being swamped immediatel­y.

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