Garden News (UK)

Homegrown: Curly kale

It works surprising­ly well with chocolate!


Curly kale is a must for the autumn and winter vegetable plot. Virtually trouble-free to grow, the plants stand well through wintry weather. Sow from spring in pots or in the border and protect from slugs and snails. You can eat the thinnings and baby leaves, and kale works as a cut-and-come-again crop.

Packed full of nutrients, freshly picked kale is at its sweetest and most delicious – if stored for too long it can become bitter.

To prepare, wash thoroughly, remove the tough central stalk and chop the leaves. Cook briefly in boiling water, steam or stir-fry in a little butter and/or oil just until it’s bright green and wilted.

Adaptable in the kitchen, kale works surprising­ly well cooked with chocolate.

 ??  ?? Curly kale is an easy crop for pots and borders
Curly kale is an easy crop for pots and borders

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