Garden News (UK)

Horticultu­re gets back to business

- Garden News Editor

The news that garden centres were to reopen last week brought a huge sigh of relief to the whole horticultu­re industry. It has been an awful time for so many growers and garden centres, who have had to scrap healthy plants, but this at least gives a glimmer of hope that all isn’t lost this year.

And it’s remarkable to see the levels of ingenuity employed to keep both staff and customers safe – I think the idea of drive-through compost sales is just brilliant! But as long as people are sensible, respectful of others and patient, we can all once again enjoy going along to the garden centre.

It has been heartening to see how many people have turned to gardening during this crisis – both as a source of exercise and fresh air as well as giving them something to do! And with so many gardens now looking spick and span, planted up for the summer, let’s hope that those people recently bitten by the bug stick with it!

My own garden is playing a great role during lockdown. For a start, we’re hugely lucky to have any outdoor space at all for the kids to enjoy, but from my perspectiv­e, it’s wonderful to spend time outside with a cup of tea during the day, a luxury I would never get in the office! So it was the other day I spotted my first lily beetle of the year and I’m now on daily patrols!

Also, in better news, the first blooms on my weigela ‘Bristol Snowflake’, bought as not much more than a twig for mere pence from an end of season bargain bucket at the garden centre last year – which brings me back to where I began! Enjoy your visit, please stay safe and have a great gardening week.

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