Garden News (UK)

Crazy weather still catches us out!


Last Sunday I was very happily mowing my lawn (still on the highest cut, avoiding daisies and dandelions) when I had to abandon ship due to a hailstorm. In the space of a minute the bright blue sky disappeare­d and the deluge began! But that is typical of this year’s weather so far, it seems. The odd wintry shower notwithsta­nding, it has been exceptiona­lly dry, but there have been more bitterly cold days than balmy, sunny ones. This time last year, as we were just getting used to the first lockdown, we were blessed with wall-to-wall sunshine, which probably helped many people get through those difficult first couple of months. Such is the unpredicta­ble nature of the British climate but it’d be boring if we knew what was coming next! My main concern, after some very cold nights, is for my apple blossom, which was just coming into bud. It was stopped in its tracks and is – understand­ably – in no hurry to come out. I do hope it makes an appearance because it transforms the garden and leads wonderfull­y into the early summer flowers. We shall see what happens! In this issue, we’re looking at best plant combinatio­ns (page 18). There are some great ideas here, not just around colour, that will work in all types of garden. Getting the right mix can make such a difference. Finally, I must apologise for the lack of the customary free seeds on the front of GN this week, due to problems with our suppliers. Rest assured they will return next week! Have a great gardening week.

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