Garden News (UK)

My gardening DIARY


MONDAY The first batch of crimson-flowered broad beans have been planted out and plants from the second batch, not yet in flower, are alternatin­g with them. This variety is fairly small so, in between the two rows, beetroot from modules have been planted; they’ll stay there until after the beans have been harvested.

TUESDAY Pots emptied of their spring show of tulips are pressed into service for summer bulbs, including Gladiolus murielae and nerines. They’ll look great standing in rows along the paths in autumn.

WEDNESDAY The idea of growing roses in containers is fairly novel, but for those who aren’t lucky enough to have a garden, this is a brilliant way to grow the nation’s favourite flower. Containers need to be as big as possible, after all these are shrubs and the compost should be loam-based.

THURSDAY Planting out surplus strawberri­es. We got them as bare root plants, planted some direct into the big metal troughs alongside chard and po ed the rest.

FRIDAY We’ve been looking at ferns; their unfurling croziers have to be one of the most emblematic indicators of spring’s progress. Devon is ‘Fern County’!

They were some of the plants that persuaded me this was the place I wanted to be.

SATURDAY When we were clearing the beds close to our soft fruit we took out a huge miscanthus ‘Cosmopolit­an’, a variegated form with broad blades. Graham chopped it up in chunks and they were po ed up.

SUNDAY Thrilled to bits that seeds of Selinum wallichian­um, my all-time favourite umbel, have not only germinated but are now pricked out and beginning to grow away strongly. With a bit of luck we should have 60 plants. Perhaps there won’t be room for them but I could use them as currency!

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