Garden News (UK)

my gardening DIARY



Sowing carrot seed ‘Amsterdam Forcing 3’, which is great, they say, for children and beginners because it’s easy and reliable. I’m sowing it in between rows of garlic in our veg troughs, the scent being a further disincenti­ve to carrot root flies to lay their eggs.


Gillenia trifoliata that have spent the winter in troughs are being lifted and potted to make room for more veg. They have good roots and in between the dry remnants of last year’s stems you can see tiny, new pink shoots emerging.


This is probably the last chance to divide plants. For spring division it’s best to complete this while plants are dormant, so I better get a move on. I want to make more of our asters, day lilies and grasses, to name but a few.


Alongside sloe at the roadside, at ground level are sprinkles of white as the first flowers of stitchwort appear here and there among the grass. I always associate its appearance with early summer so it must mean spring is on its way.


Sowing sweetcorn in peat-free potting compost. It’s early but I want them to get off to a good start. If they are growing too tall before the frost is over, they can be potted on. I’m sowing ‘Swift’; it matures early and tastes so sweet!


The burnished foliage of

Epimedium versicolor

‘Sulphureum’ has looked brilliant all winter but has to be cut back now. In spring, clumps are laced with stems of clustered buds that are easier to see when old foliage has been removed. This has to be done promptly if you’re using shears; leave it too late and you’ll need nail scissors and your strongest specs.


Giving borders and veg beds a treat with a sprinkling of organic rock dust fertiliser. I’ve never tried it before so watch this space!

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