BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine

How to make a potted bog garden


In the absence of a pond, a bog garden can provide a habitat for egg-laying dragonflie­s and other invertebra­tes, plus damp shelter for frogs, toads and newts. And it doesn’t have to take up much space – simply follow our steps to create a container bog garden.


Container, such as an old tin baby’s bath Pond liner Peat-free, multi-purpose compost Moisture-loving plants (we used astilbe, variegated eupatorium and rodgersia) Slate chippings or gravel (optional)

1 Drill holes in the base of the container, then add the liner so it overlaps the sides. Part-fill with compost.

2 Arrange the plants to your liking, then fill in around them with more compost. Firm in and water well.

3 Trim back the edges of the liner so it’s no longer visible. Add a layer of stones to reduce evaporatio­n.

 ??  ?? Keep this mini bog garden damp at all times and it’ll be an ideal habitat for a range of moisture-loving creatures
Keep this mini bog garden damp at all times and it’ll be an ideal habitat for a range of moisture-loving creatures
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