BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine

Why won’t my pomegranat­es come into bloom?

- David White, North Somerset

MATTHEW SAYS Pomegranat­es are native to Iran, a part of the world known for high summer temperatur­es and low rainfall, so will grow best in the hottest, most sheltered spot you can find in your garden. I used two pomegranat­e trees in my 2015 Chelsea garden and in a bid to bring them into flower we put one in a greenhouse and fed it, while the other we left out in a sunny, sheltered spot. The greenhouse tree produced lots of leafy growth but no blooms, while the outdoor one was just coming in to flower by the end of the show. So, try shelter, heat, enough water to keep the compost from turning into dust, and feed with something like liquid tomato feed.

 ??  ?? Give pomegranat­e trees a warm sheltered spot for more flowers
Give pomegranat­e trees a warm sheltered spot for more flowers

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