BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine

Q What’s the best way to manure my dry soil?

- Janet Unwin, Lincolnshi­re

A ANNE SAYS Manure needs to be well rotted, so if you pick it up fresh, layer into compost bins or leave it in its own heap until dark and crumbly. Manure can come mixed with horse bedding, especially in winter. Straw, chopped hemp and chopped miscanthus rot down well but sawdust is woodier so it may take a couple of years. Dig in or spread well-rotted manure on beds destined for crops or hungry plants. With dry, sandy soil, I would leave this until after Christmas, otherwise the benefits are likely to be washed away through the thin sand. There have been concerns about hormone weedkiller residues in manure, so before using carry out a germinatio­n test using a few bean seeds in 50:50 manure and potting compost.

 ??  ?? Fresh manure needs processing before you use it
Fresh manure needs processing before you use it

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