Gardens Illustrated Magazine



Cobnut and mulberry granola

• 50g cobnuts (weigh when shelled) • 500g jumbo porridge oats • 3tbsp golden syrup • 200ml date syrup • 30g linseeds • 30g pumpkin seeds • 50g dried white mulberries • 50g currants • 4tbsp vegetable oil • Pinch of salt Preheat the oven to 180ºC/Gas 4. Crack the cobnuts and spread them out on a baking tray. Roast until dark brown in colour and smelling pleasantly nutty (about 15 minutes). Pour into a clean tea towel and rub to get rid of as much skin as you can. Chop roughly then put the cobnuts into a large mixing bowl with the oats, syrups, seeds, salt and oil. Stir with a spatula until the oats are evenly coated so no dry patches remain. Line a baking tray with parchment and spread the mixture out evenly. Bake in the oven for about 20-25 minutes, stirring the mixture gently after 10 minutes (I use a chopstick) so the outer edges do not cook too quickly. When crisp enough turn the oven off and leave the granola to dry in the oven as it cools to crisp. When cool roll the parchment over the granola and press down to break into pieces, mix in the dried fruits and store in an airtight jar. Eat with milk for breakfast or as a topping for yoghurt and fruit.

Green beans with pesto alla trapanese

• 1tsp sea salt • 1-2 garlic cloves • 1 bunch basil (approx 50g) • 30g raw almonds • 30g parmesan or pecorino, freshly grated • 200g baby plum or cherry tomatoes • 400g fresh green beans, topped

and tailed • Black pepper For this recipe you’ll need to use a ripe and flavoursom­e tomato. Grind the sea salt, garlic and basil into a paste. Toss the almonds into a pan of boiling water for a few minutes, then drain and slip them out of their skins. Heat the oven to 150ºC/Gas 2, rub a baking tray with olive oil and tip the almonds on to it. Roast the nuts until they are golden brown (20-25 minutes), allow to cool, then pulse to consistenc­y of breadcrumb­s in a food processor. Add the tomatoes and garlic paste and pulse again, until you have a thick, sloppy paste. Scrape into a bowl then add the cheese, grind in some black pepper and taste, add more salt if needed. Cook the beans in a pan of salted water until tender then drain. Toss the beans with the pesto and serve.

Plum toasts

This very rustic treat is half way between a pudding and a breakfast snack, the sort of simple food that works at any time of day when you want something sweet and filling. I made mine with small golden wild plums but any plum will do, as will apricots. Serves 2 • 2 slices of fresh crusty white bread • 10 plums (approx) • Granulated sugar (to taste) • Cinnamon (optional) Preheat the oven to 180ºC/Gas 4. Cut the bread and butter it generously. Stone the plums and halve them, then place cut side up on the bread, pressing them down a little. Sprinkle with sugar (and cinnamon if using) then place a piece of buttered parchment over the top and press down. Cook for about 30 minutes until the bread is golden and the plums have collapsed and are coated in syrupy juices. Eat with a dollop of cream.

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