Gardens Illustrated Magazine



1 Lilium hansonii

Bella uses this lily to follow on from ‘Ballerina’ tulips, to provide a continuati­on of orange before the hotter colours of July get going. 1.2m. RHS H6†.

2 Geranium phaeum var. lividum ‘Majus’

Bella loves the pale-lavender flowers of this delicate geranium. It is tolerant of shade, flowers abundantly, and is extremely useful on a dry bank in front of shrubs. RHS H7. 3 Aconitum ‘Stainless Steel’

With its wonderful, steely-blue flowers, this picks up the colour of a nearby Amsonia and looks lovely with the acid green of euphorbias or Alchemilla mollis. 1.2m. AGM*. RHS H7. 4 Geranium pratense ‘Midnight Reiter’

A cultivar that Bella values for the striking markings on its dark leaves. She acquired it from a local GP-turned-nurseryman, via her local garden society. 50cm. RHS H7.

5 Paeonia lactiflora ‘Festiva Maxima’

An old cultivar with enormous double flowers that have a delicious fragrance and will grow in sun or partial shade provided the soil is rich and well drained. 95cm. AGM. RHS H6. 6 Cotinus ‘Grace’

A smoke bush that does best in a wild space. Bella loves its combinatio­n of deep-purple foliage and the frothing ‘smoke’ of its summer flowers. 8m. RHS H5.

7 Verbascum ‘Petra’

This came from a Chelsea garden Bella designed with other students in 2004 as part of her design course. She has increased its stock to include it in many parts of the garden. 75cm. 8 Cephalaria gigantea

Bella finds this plant so reliable and generous. Its pale-yellow daisies are a wonderful way to lighten the backdrop of an evergreen hedge. 2m. RHS H7, USDA 3a-7b.

9 Stipa tenuissima

A pretty grass that will soften any planting. It seeds itself generously, but is easy to control if you pull up the strays regularly. 60cm. AGM. RHS H4, USDA 7a-10b.

10 Lilium martagon

A happy accident, this was supposed to be Lilium hansonii but was muddled by the supplier. Bella keeps a sharp eye out to protect it from lily beetles. 1.5m. AGM. RHS H6, USDA 3a-8b. 11 Allium flavum

A lovely, pale-yellow alternativ­e to the more usual purple alliums, which grows happily in the sharp drainage of Pie Corner’s Gravel Garden. 40cm. AGM. RHS H5. 12 Ophiopogon planiscapu­s ‘Kokuryu’

Slow to get going, and definitely needs sharp drainage in this garden, but it is wonderful when it flowers, and makes a smart, grassy edge to paving. 20cm. AGM. RHS H5, USDA 6a-9b. *Holds an Award of Garden Merit from the Royal Horticultu­ral Society. †Hardiness ratings given where available.

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1 5 7 9 2 10 3 11 4 6 8 12

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