Gin Magazine


Just like a perfect dish, understand­ing complement­ary flavours for different gins is key to building a truly great drink


Aaron sees how this iconic foodie book can be put to use with gin

When I’m not ‘on the clock’ writing about gin, cooking is a passion of mine – specifical­ly, cooking without recipes. There’s something magical in the art of combining herbs, spices and ingredient­s to create something unique and delicious.

In the early 2010s, contempora­ry-style gin exploded from niche into the mainstream. Making cocktails with some of these new gins suddenly felt a bit more like the kind of cooking I enjoyed. Distillers experiment­ed with an ever-increasing range of botanicals. Some of these botanicals paired great with tonic water and sang when combined in the precise ratio of the Negroni.

Others? They didn’t. But was a nicely balanced juniper and mint-forward gin inherently flawed because it didn’t work in a Gibson?

My greatest inspiratio­n for working with these new gins was to learn from the establishe­d culinary tradition of food and drink pairing.

“The classic principles are classic for a reason: they’re timeless,” says Karen Page, who together with Andrew Dorenberg has co-authored a series of James Beard Awardwinni­ng books on food pairing. Though their books such as The Flavor Bible tackle the problem from a culinary perspectiv­e, she notes, “The principles are the same, no matter what you’re using.” Scott Beattie, author of Artisanal Cocktails and former bartender at Cyrus in Healdsburg, California, cited the book among his influences. The same goes for Nate Fishman, bartender among the renowned cocktail creators at Liquor Lab.

HOW DO BOOKS LIKE THIS WORK? Think of it as an ingredient dictionary. You look for a flavour and you’ll see below it a list of other ingredient­s which pair best with the ingredient entry. These pairings were aggregated through research and conversati­ons with chefs.

Karen and Andrew begin with an example familiar to many gin drinkers. “A classic gin example from What to Drink is Hendrick’s gin, whose cucumber notes should have you scouring the pages of The Flavor Bible and/ or The Vegetarian Flavor Bible for cucumber pairings.” They cite a few of the pairings listed – chillies, cilantro, dill, garlic, lemon, mint, onions, parsley, pepper, salmon, salt, sugar, tomato, vinegar and yoghurt.

A few cocktail pairings immediatel­y come

to mind from this list. The citrus and mint might suggest a Southside, the tomato might lead to a Red Snapper, or the onion might suggest a natural applicatio­n in a Gibson.

They continue, “More experience­d users can use each of those flavours as jumping off points for further improvisat­ion… if it goes with chillies, it might also go with red pepper flakes; if it goes with onions, it might also go with other alliums; if it goes with sugar, it might also go with other sweet ingredient­s.”

NEW GINS, NEW FLAVOURS “Deconstruc­ting the flavour profile of the spirit you’re working with is an important first step,” Karen and Andrew say. “It can be helpful to identify dominant botanicals and to look them up to see what flavours pair well with them.”

Distillers are increasing­ly disclosing botanical lists with their products. This helps a little, but because a botanical is listed doesn’t always mean it can be tasted. There’s no shortcut here. Sip the gin neat. What do you taste? What don’t you taste?

Deconstruc­ting based on botanicals can also be difficult until you become familiar with their flavours once distilled. Simply perceiving the overall impression can be a good starting point. Is it floral? Is it piney? Is it savoury? These can be helpful first steps until you feel confident that what you’re tasting is coriander.

Simply perceiving the overall impression [of a gin] can be a good starting point. Is it floral? Is it piney? Is it savoury? These can be helpful first steps...

Since Karen and Andrew wrote their book What to Drink with What You Eat in 2006, a lot has changed. “Food is also increasing­ly diverse, offering new pairing options from around the world,” they say.

In the gin world, we’ve seen this trend play out as well. Ingredient­s which we might not have even been aware of a decade ago are now commonplac­e. You might have never heard of lemon myrtle before having a bottle of Four Pillars Rare Dry Gin. Cipó cravo might have never been part of your bar programme before Amázzoni Gin launched. In short, many of the botanicals that we experience in gin have places in culinary traditions around the world.

If you’re not familiar with how to pair a gin that features lemongrass prominentl­y, look to a cuisine that does for inspiratio­n. Even quotidian botanicals such as lavender have a home in regional cuisines – maybe look towards Provençal.

Pairing drinks with food can be another way of emphasisin­g their botanical profile. Aquavit – a botanical spirit very similar to gin, except instead of juniper it has caraway and/or dill seed as its foundation­al botanical – has a long tradition of being drunk neat alongside meals.

Gin, while rarely appreciate­d this way, offers a new way to pair and appreciate unique

botanical profiles. For example, try a bold juniper-forward gin with game meats such as pheasant, or pair a mint-forward gin with a vegetarian entrée of aubergine.

There may have been a moment where it would be shocking to say that a gin didn’t have to work well with tonic, but I think that moment has passed. As gin has evolved to incorporat­e a more diverse range of flavour profiles on top of its juniper core, so have the ways that we can use and enjoy gin.

Whether it’s in a tried and true cocktail, a riff of your own creation, or simply sipped neat at dinner with friends, gin is meant to be a celebratio­n of juniper and botanicals. The culinary arts provide a framework for inspiratio­n – for enjoying the bountiful gin harvest that’s been bestowed upon us.

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 ??  ?? Opening pages: Compositio­n is everything in cocktails
These pages: When life gives you lemons, find a great drink pairing for them; Citrus and spice are at the heart of many gins
Opening pages: Compositio­n is everything in cocktails These pages: When life gives you lemons, find a great drink pairing for them; Citrus and spice are at the heart of many gins

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