Glamorgan Gazette

Nuclear option leads to distrust


MOST British citizens believe that our possession of nuclear weapons is a guarantee that we shall live in peace.

But it is only a simple promise of death for millions of those foreigners, after they have killed millions of us. This is the opposite of creating peace. We are making other nations afraid, so they distrust us. Cannot you see that?

All this depends upon a child’s view of the world, divided into Goodies and Baddies, in millions of adult heads, and we, the UK and USA, have always been the Goodies.

The USA and UK never showed sympathy for Russians under the savagery of the Czar, but ever since 1917, we have always hated any country where the people wished to be communists. So the pathologic­al hatred of the USA has led them to believe that they were quite entitled to invade Korea and Vietnam, etc, to show those people their stupidity and our superior virtue, by killing them.

I make no attempt to justify the policies of Russia during that period, as if they had any more right to the title of Goody than we have. Praise for Russia would undermine this whole argument of the folly of anyone using blame for the past, as your route into the future.

My entire point is that all Baddies such as North Korea are just as terrified of being fried alive by nuclear bombs as Goodies are. That is true of all humans.

That universal fear is now being used as a justificat­ion for endless mutual threats of the slaughter of humankind. CN Westerman Brynna

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