Glamorgan Gazette

80% of adult acne occurs in women


ACNE is caused when tiny holes in the skin, known as hair follicles, become blocked. There are many myths about this widespread skin condition. More than 80% of cases of adult acne occur in women.

Many cases of adult acne are caused by the changes in hormone levels that women may have at certain times, including periods, pregnancy and ovarian cysts. It is vital to see your GP at an early stage, if acne is causing you concern, as effective treatment for both men and women is available which takes only about four months.

Sebaceous glands are tiny glands which produce sebum to lubricate hair near the skin’s surface. The glands are attached to hair follicles. At puberty secondary hair follicles develop. Acne occurs when the glands begin to produce too much sebum. The excess sebum mixes with dead skin cells and both substances form a plug in the follicle and create blackheads or whiteheads. Normally harmless bacteria that live on the skin can then contaminat­e the infected plugged follicles, causing papules, pustules, nodules or cysts. It is a myth to think that poor hygiene results in acne.

Consultant dermatolog­ist with Nuffield Health, Dr Girish K Patel explains: “The important thing to know is that you are not on your own and it is unlikely to be a result of anything you have done which has caused the acne.

“In teenagers, it is simply a matter of increased hormone production which has the effect of producing too much sebum for the skin’s needs. In women, another common cause is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) which also leads to the formation of small cysts inside the ovary.

“Acne may also be genetic, as it can run in families, with a higher risk if both parents had it. So far, research hasn’t found any foods that cause acne, so the chocolate connection is a misconcept­ion but eating a healthy, balanced diet is recommende­d because it’s good for your health in general. However, picking spots will significan­tly worsen the condition and leave scars.”

If acne is bothering you, it is a good reason to see your family doctor for treatment or referral to a dermatolog­ist. It is worth noting that people with either of the two separate conditions of acne and hair loss are those where they are sold over the counter products (nonprescri­ption) which do not actually work.

Reassuring­ly for acne sufferers, depending on the severity, there is a successful four-month prescripti­on treatment with a specific anti-biotic or where the cause is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) with a particular contracept­ive pill.

Nuffield Health’s Dr Patel advises: “It is often very difficult for people, especially teenage boys and girls, to pluck up the courage to discuss this with a doctor.

“More than 85% of people will suffer with acne to some degree in their lifetime. The treatments are effective and, once resolved, the skin will heal naturally and further treatment can help remove traces of scarring, where necessary. Armed with this knowledge, the journey to good skin health can be so much shorter and smoother, if you see your GP quickly.”

 ??  ?? Dr Girish K Patel is one of five consultant dermatolog­ists at Nuffield Health Cardiff & Vale Hospitals. He also leads the skin cancer research team at Cardiff University’s European Cancer Stem Cell Research Institute
Dr Girish K Patel is one of five consultant dermatolog­ists at Nuffield Health Cardiff & Vale Hospitals. He also leads the skin cancer research team at Cardiff University’s European Cancer Stem Cell Research Institute

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