Glamorgan Gazette

A different way forward for Wales

- Gwyn Wigley Evans Gwlad Gwlad party leader

CENTURIES of subjugatio­n under powerful neighbours has sapped the strength of the Welsh nation – but now is the time for change.

Wales can stand alone on the internatio­nal stage and forge a bright new future as the UK struggles to face the disconnect in communitie­s split by Brexit.

New political party Gwlad Gwlad has one primary objective, the fight for Independen­ce for Wales, for a totally independen­t sovereign state and the right to run our own country.

The democratic vote across Welsh constituen­cies three years ago was for Brexit, but we as a nation have not debated whether we want to be part of the EU as a sovereign power.

Wales is constantly sold short by the UK government, funding from Whitehall keeps us the poorest part of the Union. From dumping nuclear waste off our coastlines, to scrapping plans for the Swansea barrage, the London Government controls all our lives.

But it need not be this way, we have the skills, the innovation, the workforce and a spectacula­r countrysid­e which already helps to feed us, as well as bringing visitors and their tourism pounds.

And if we had received t the £1bn that the DUP in Northern Ireland blackmaile­d Westminste­r to buy votes, we could h have done more, and more imaginativ­ely to give our nation a real jump start.

Already more than 300 c companies in Wales have a combined turnover of £37bn and a workforce of 157,000 – including Iceland, Admiral, GE Aircraft, Redrow, Glas Cymru, Kronospan and Aston Martin.

But because we are only a satellite of England we do not reap the full benefits. Most of the money from Wales filters its way into the UK pot, leaving us as busy fools.

Gwlad believes Wales should go it alone, that there should be a national referendum on leaving the UK. The turmoil caused by Brexit provides an opportunit­y to build on the civic pride, social inclusion, solidarity and working together, which comes naturally to our proud innovative country. Independen­ce would also enable Wales to boost our economy from our vast natural resources, water, green energy, as well as multi-national hi-tech business – the proceeds of which are currently syphoned out of the economy, decisions made by the people of our country for our benefit.

For too long we have had a Senedd, Her Majesty’s Government in Wales, which is nothing more than a talking shop with very little power and poorly served by overcautio­us civil servants – and a Welsh Office which pulls all the strings.

We need to cut these ties, demand the respect we deserve – after all we won the Six Nations tournament this year – and we aren’t even a sovereign state yet.

Our English, Scottish and Irish neighbours look down at poor little Wales. We are anything but, and we know that the only way we will get the respect we deserve is through a free and equal Wales. Even little Malta has equal power to big Germany in Europe, it can be done.

Gwlad has radical, pragmatic solutions to the economic and social issues facing Wales, policies which will benefit Wales.

We should hold our own referendum and then decide whether we should become part of the EU, or not, allowing us to boost our economy from our vast natural resources, water, our decisions made by all of us, for our benefit.

Vote Gwlad Gwlad. Diolch.

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