Glasgow Times

Anything but out of this world


TOOTS was desperate to show off her new hairdo after swapping her trademark locks for a new wob.

With a click of the talons on her fancy-dan smartphone – don’t think I would qualify for one of those – she had booked us a table at a new city joint.

Not to be one left out in the cold, when it comes to the latest eaterie, she piped up we were off to The Spirituali­st.

“Hang on a minute Toots, all that stuff gives me the hebegeebee­s. I’ve enough hassle with people in this world, never mind contacting the next,” I said.

“No, not that kind of spirituali­st, the new restaurant in Miller Street,” her ladyship informed me.

We sped out of Tec Towers, threw a few dimes in a meter and parked up the Buick for a few hours.

Approachin­g the new place, it looked pretty impressive from the outside, but as they always say don’t judge a book by its cover.

“Lucky you booked, doll,” I smirked. “There is only about 20-odd tables free.”

The Moll was not amused and mulled over where to sit so people could see this new wonky bob of hers.

We ended up at the far end of the restaurant. Toots had a great view of the place from her bench seat – while all I had to look at was her ladyship and a blank wall.

It has a really swanky bar area and high ceilings which makes this place look pretty classy, so we had high hopes.

Our server handed us the lunch menus and we were a little disappoint­ed you couldn’t chop and change with the a la carte.

We ordered up a couple of vinos and a bottle of water.

Time for a scran scan – and it didn’t take too long. There was a few mains and light bites which seemed pretty reasonably priced – I discovered why later.

So Toots plumped for the warm salad with roast beetroot, chicory, potatoes and a Camembert dressing, while I opted for the healthy roast veg tart.

A lost-looking waiter veered over to us with two glasses of water. Odd as we had ordered a bottle, but we took them and realised it was tap water. Our wines came a little later – but too long for my liking.

A while later our lunches arrived and we were both left speechless. Indeed it is a reasonably priced light bite menu – as they are just that.

It was two starters and that wasn’t going to fill a hole, so we tried to catch someone’s eye.

I think at one point there was more staff than diners, but we still couldn’t get their attention.

Eventually I hollered over to someone and we got some service. We had to order up a portion of sweet potato fries to fill out the order.

Toots quite enjoyed her salad, despite the size – just a shame there wasn’t more of it.

My tart was a total let down. Cold vegetables, lacking in flavour and you couldn’t even get a knife through the pastry.

We munched on the sweet potato fries like there was no tomorrow – and they were tasty, in fact the best thing on the table.

Our dining experience hadn’t quite gone to plan, so we decided to cut our losses and sort out the bill.

And there we had my pet hate – why can you never find a server when you want to pay? Surely settling up and freeing up a table is what staff are trained to do.

We gave up and headed to the bar to pay explaining we had to go before the sun went down.

Glasgow is now a tough restaurant market, but on this occasion we certainly weren’t moved by experience at The Spirituali­st.

I think at one point there was more staff than diners, but we still couldn’t get their attention

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