Glasgow Times

Former postal worker to jump 10,000 ft


A GLASGOW man who went blind overnight is planning to fall 10,000ft to help others with vision problems.

Imran Akhtar, 39, is planning to take on the gruelling parachute jump for the sight loss charity RNIB in April.

The former post office worker has experience­d the trauma of losing his sight, having had retinal detachment­s in both his eyes as well as glaucoma.

He also has a retinal tear in his right eye, obstructin­g his central vision.

Imran said: “”Before losing my sight, I was a post office manager for six years,

“I was at work one day and the vision in my eye went, just like that.

“After several surgical procedures I took the decision to leave the post office as I could no longer drive to work.

“With the help of RNIB Scotland, my confidence shot through the roof.”

Thanks to the charity, Imran now works helping others who have experience­d sight loss getting to grips with accessibil­ity features in new technology.

He plans to jump from Strathalla­n airfield in Perthshire on Saturday, April 22.

Imran said: “Every day in Scotland, around 10 people begin to lose their sight.

“But at present RNIB Scotland can only support one in three people who need its help most, and is very dependent on support from the public.”

“My own feelings about jumping out of a plane from 10,000ft swing wildly from very excited to sheer terror.”

To sponsor Imran, visit­g/ImranAkhta­r skydive

 ??  ?? Imran Akhtar is to take part in a charity parachute jump
Imran Akhtar is to take part in a charity parachute jump

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