Glasgow Times

Cell time for blade thug who lashed out at cops

- By STACEY MULLEN Crime Reporter

A THUG who brandished a knife at cops after they entered his home to deal with a disturbanc­e has been jailed for six and a half months.

Kevin McPhail, 30, appeared in the dock from custody for sentencing after pleading guilty to the offence at Glasgow Sheriff Court.

He plead guilty to shouting, swearing and brandishin­g the knife at police officers at his home address in Scotstoun’s Earl Street on December 22, last year.

He also accepted that he uttered offensive remarks and repeatedly failed to put the knife down when he was asked to do.

In a separate charge, he plead guilty to assaulting a police officer by kicking him on the body.

The Procurator Fiscal depute Louise MacNiel told the court that police officers arrived at McPhail’s home at around 10.30pm to deal with an on-going disturbanc­e.

When they entered, they became aware of McPhail, who was under the influence of alcohol.

He had a knife in his right pocket and proceeded to brandish it at the officers.

He said: “F*** off. You’re not coming in here.”

The police officers requested that he put the knife down.

One of the officers, however, managed to secure McPhail and as he was placing the handcuffs on his wrist, the thug lashed out.

He said: “It’s my house. Get to f***.”

He then kicked out his right foot kicking the police officer in the right shin.

McPhail then continued to hurl abuse at the cops en route to Clydebank Police Office. He said phrases including ‘speccy b*******’.

His defence agent said McPhail had put himself in a difficult position and added that he had been up until now “fairly irresponsi­ble” in his life.

The court also that McPhail has a major problem with alcohol.

During his mitigation, he explained that his client had alienated himself from his family including his two children, who he does not see.

His defence agent said: “He has got to a stage in life, he is now 30, and he wants to take assistance with respect to alcohol to get out of the situation he is in at the moment.”

 ??  ?? McPhail has been jailed for six and a half months over the incident in which he lashed out at police
McPhail has been jailed for six and a half months over the incident in which he lashed out at police

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