Glasgow Times

Killer caged for 14 years


A KILLER has been jailed for at least 14 years after he killed his friend and left him under a pile of rubbish in his flat.

Ross Nicholson attacked Brian Martin, above, after he made a comment about a relative, sending him into a rage.

Brian had a bag pulled over his head and his hands bound before being set upon with a broken table leg and a knife.

Brian’s sister eventually called the police after he disappeare­d.

Officers made the grim find of Brian’s mutilated corpse in his flat in Glasgow.

A KILLER brutally murdered his friend – then left him tied up under a pile of rubbish.

Ross Nicholson attacked Brian Martin last November after the victim apparently made a comment about a relative sending him into a rage. Brian had a bag pulled over his head, his hands bound before being set upon with a broken table leg and a knife.

Nicholson, 37, later lied to Brian’s sister that he had not seen her 34 year-old brother.

After days of desperatel­y trying to contact him, she called in police before the grim find of Brian’s mutilated corpse in his flat in Knightswoo­d, Glasgow.

Nicholson was later held – detectives went on to find he had Brian’s phone that his sister had tried to reach him on.

The thug – who pleaded guilty to murder – was yesterday jailed for a minimum of 14 years at the High Court in Glasgow.

A judge told Nicholson that he had carried out a “sustained and brutal” attack.

Brian was described as a “quiet person” who was “not confrontat­ional”. He and Nicholson lived at the same block of flats in the city’s Lincoln Avenue.

They were friends despite only knowing each other a few months.

The court heard Brian was last seen alive in the early hours of November 5.

He was clocked on CCTV going into the lift with Nicholson.

Prosecutor­s stated the murder occurred between that day and November 7 at Brian’s flat.

Officers got into Brian’s flat and immediatel­y spotted blood.

Advocate depute Bernard Ablett said: “They entered and found Brian lying on the living room floor with his hands tied behind his back. There were obvious signs of a disturbanc­e.”

Thomas Ross, defending, said Nicholson “deeply regrets the pain and distress” he has caused Brian’s family.

Explaining the lead-up to the killing, Mr Ross went on: “There was an argument between them.

“Brian Martin made reference of a relative of Mr Nicholson that he (the accused) had a deep emotional attachment to. He accepts he then completely lost control.”

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Brian Martin was murdered after an argument, and left, our front page in November, last year
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