Glasgow Times

Faulty fridge sparks fire drama at sandwich shop


A POPULAR sandwich shop in Finnieston was forced to close after a blaze.

Staff at Piece in Argyle Street confirmed a faulty fridge was to blame for the incident which saw four appliances rush out to deal with the incident at 10pm on Friday.

Firefighte­rs entered the building wearing breathing apparatus after which the fire was brought under control using hoses.

In a statement on their Facebook page, Piece staff said: “As you may have heard we had a ‘slight’ issue with a fridge that wanted to be an oven last night. Everyone’s okay, but we’ll be shut for a wee bit while we lick the soot aff the walls.

“Absolutely huge thanks to our wonderful upstairs neighbours for raising the alarm and to the emergency services for their fast reactions and ruthless efficiency.”

Staff have also reminded customers to keep watching their social media channels for updates.

A spokeswoma­n for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) told the Evening Times the service was alerted to the blaze at 9.54pm.

She said: “Appliances were dispatched from Maryhill, Yorkhill, and Cowcaddens and a senior officer was also in attendance.

“They attended the ground-floor shop at the four-storey building where the fire was then brought under control.”

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