Glasgow Times

Holyrood votes for new tough poverty targets


Political Correspond­ent MSPs have voted unanimousl­y to pass the Child Poverty Bill bringing in new targets and making councils set out action plans and reports.

All five parties at Holyrood backed the Bill which introduces income targets to be achieved by 2030 and sets up a Poverty and Inequality Commission.

The targets set out in the Bill to be achieved by 2030 include fewer than 10% of children in relative poverty and fewer than 5% of children are in absolute poverty.

It also states there should be fewer than 5% of children in combined low income and material deprivatio­n and fewer than 5% of children in persistent poverty.

The bill was brought forward by the Scottish Government and backed by the Conservati­ves, Labour, Greens and Liberal Democrats.

It means Glasgow City Council and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde will have to report on what action it is taking to reduce Child Poverty.

Angela Constance, Equalities Secretary said: “Meeting our ambitious new targets will be challengin­g and it will seem like we are often fighting with one hand behind our back in the face of the cuts.

“But the Scottish Government intends to take positive action to address child poverty and tackle the deep seated generation­al inequaliti­es in our society.”

An amendment by the Greens means the Scottish Government will be required to state in delivery plans if it intends to use powers available to top up Child Benefit.

Alison Johnstone, Green MSP, said: “By 2020, it is projected that Child Benefit will have lost almost a third of its value compared to 2010, but a £5 a week top-up would lift 30,000 children out of poverty

Campaigner­s welcomed the Bill and said the UK Government must follow the lead taken by Holyrood.

John Dickie, Director of Child Poverty Action Group, said: “We are delighted that in today’s vote all the political parties at Holyrood have recognised that child poverty is unacceptab­le, that it is not inevitable and that it can be eradicated.

“Politician­s at Holyrood have sent a powerful message that ending child poverty has to be a top priority. It’s now vital that their UK counterpar­ts reinstate the child poverty targets that are needed to drive progress.”

 ??  ?? MSPs have voted for new action plans and strategies aimed at tackling child poverty in Scotland
MSPs have voted for new action plans and strategies aimed at tackling child poverty in Scotland

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