Glasgow Times

SCALES OF JUSTICE Islamic properties targeted in double robbery


A TEENAGER targeted two Islamic centres in a double attempted break-in.

Derek Bowden was spotted with another man trying to open fire exits to a mosque in Govanhill.

He was then clocked at an Islamic nursery in the South Side area trying to open windows.

The 18-year-old was caught with a man 10 years his senior on the twin raids on September 18 2017.

The depute procurator fiscal told Glasgow Sheriff Court that around 1.40am Bowden and his co-accused were seen repeatedly forcing open fire exits to the Madrasah Al Farooq Mosque on Dixon Avenue.

The court heard Bowden, from Mosspark, was attempting to break into the mosque with intent to steal from it. Police on patrol nearby saw two men wearing all black clothing coming out of the mosque car park.

The men spotted the cops and made off, but were found nearby.

Officers looking into the incident discovered that earlier that morning, at 1.20am, the two men had struck another property.

The depute fiscal said the men were seen trying handles of cars in the car park of Little Wonders Nursery on Calder Street.

They were also seen repeatedly attempting to open windows.

Bowden’s defence brief told the court he now has a four-month-old daughter.

Sheriff Anthony Deutsch sentenced Bowden to six months in prison.

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