Glasgow Times

TALKING PARTICK THISTLE Jags skipper Osmanturns fashion icon? If the cap fits


MARYHILL may not always have been known as one of the fashion capitals of the world, but that could all change if Partick Thistle captain Abdul Osman has his way.

The Jags skipper has started up his own clothing line bearing the slogan ‘It’s Not Easy’, and it has proven a hit on social media after being endorsed by the likes of Manchester United superstar Paul Pogba.

The world’s second most expensive player put a snap on Instagram wearing one of Osman’s caps after meeting him through his brother and former Thistle striker Mathias, and Osman has been blown away by the reaction to his designs online.

“It’s called ‘It’s Not Easy’, and I’m sure a lot of people can relate to that, especially me right now being out injured,” Osman said.

“I’ve had a lot of good feedback on social media and I’ve got a website out now too, so that’s sort of pushed me to keep going. It’s looking alright.

“I’m sure anyone who has been at the training ground has seen me around the place looking suave. No, to be fair, I like my fashion and to be honest, I think it’s a good tagline I have. It’s relatable.

“It’s something my mum has always said to me. When I was younger my mum would say that I have to work harder, and work at my craft when I figured out what I wanted to be, because life is not easy.

“I find myself saying it to my friends all the time, and then one day while I was out injured, I was thinking ‘it’s not easy’, and I thought I would just try a little something with it.

“I put it on shirts and caps, and people were liking it, so I thought why not push it as much as I can and see what happens?

“It all depends how it takes off, I’m just taking it day by day and seeing how it materialis­es.”

In terms of growing the brand, having someone like Paul Pogba wearing one of his caps certainly won’t do Osman’s cause any harm.

“It was such a boost to see Paul wearing it, and he definitely relates,” he said.

“I remember one time when Mathias was down, and I went for dinner with the whole family. Paul seen the hat and asked me where I got it, it and I told him that it was my own brand, and he said that really summed me up.

“He asked me if I could have a cap, and I said ‘of course’, and then I was on it asap with the next day delivery.

“And he actually wore it and sent the picture to me, so I put it on my website and on social media and that got a lot of interactio­n.

“There were loads of kids sending me direct messages about it after that. It was a good look for it.

“I’ve had Carlton Cole wearing it on Soccer AM as well, so it’s going alright.”

WHILE the catwalks of Milan and Paris may await, in the here and now Osman is more concerned with getting back to strutting his stuff in front of the Firhill faithful, after two months out so far with a shoulder injury.

He is hoping that the arduous rehabilita­tion programme he is putting himself through will help to speed up his comeback in time to help out his teammates with their gruelling December schedule.

“I had my operation and the surgeon said it would be three months, and it’s exactly two months now and I’m a bit ahead of schedule because I’ve been doing my work,” he said.

“I’m praying for mid-December, but with these things you’ve got to be careful. I’d love to be back to help the boys out, because it’s a hectic schedule coming up, and I’ll do whatever I can to be back as soon as possible.” has unfinished business here.

“He’s always said to me that he didn’t want to leave this club with just one trophy in the boardroom.

“It’s great news for everyone that he is committed.

“He just wants to get on doing the job. He spent a lot of time, effort and money over the summertime to rebuild the team.

“Since this he has re-signed a number of players to extend their contracts and everyone recognises the fantastic job he and Tony Docherty have done.

“No one wants to see him leave.

I know he will one day but we all dearly hope he will be here for quite some time.”

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 ??  ?? United U star Pogba (left) is a fan of Abdul Osman’s designs
United U star Pogba (left) is a fan of Abdul Osman’s designs

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