Glasgow Times

Hip Partick is in top 10 cool places


PARTICK has been named one of the hippest places to live in the UK.

According to a survey by TravelSupe­rmarket on 10 inner-city areas worth exploring, the West End spot came out as one of the coolest in the UK thanks to its street art and nearby museums.

Judges praised the area’s transport links, numerous independen­t eateries, proximity to the Riverside Museum and the gable end murals created to mark the 2014 Commonweal­th Games.

The news was met with a mixed reaction on the streets of Partick.

Local resident Paul Rodger, 25, said: “Partick’s great. It’s got lots of facilities like cafés and coffee shops.

“It’s kind of cheaper in many ways so it attracts lots of students and young profession­als who come into the area. It’s a really fun place to live.”

But John Smart, 59, also from Partick disagreed. He said: “I don’t think it is the hippest, no. Just look at some of the pubs about here and there are too many beggars for a start.

“Maybe up Byres Road it is, but then I think there are a lot of pretentiou­s people up that way. I wouldn’t say it was the hippest, because where do you go? I suppose there’s a few bars and wee cafés opening up.”

Cheryl Morrison, 34, originally from Clydebank, said: “Hippest? I thought it was the poshest place to live! I think Glasgow as a whole is a pretty good place to live, I was born and bred here.”

John Fullton, 70, is from Govan and owns a grocers in Partick. He said: “There’s a lot of students here and they make up a good number of the population of Partick at the moment.

“It depends what you mean by hip and if you’re talking about in a dress sense, then students make up that point of it being a hip place.”

Luke Duggin, 25, who moved to Glasgow from London, said: “It’s getting there. I live out in East Kilbride and work here, but I’m finding it good. It can be a bit rough, but I suppose you get rough bits everywhere.”

Karen Connolly, 48, was born in Partick and still lives there now. She said: “It’s not bad. It’s the people that make it hip and the shops and the entertainm­ent.

“You’ve got everything you want in the one place, from a cinema on Byres Road to good restaurant­s and good food and shopping.”

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