Glasgow Times

Horne of plenty as Warriors deal in George


GHorne said: “I’m delighted to be staying at Scotstoun. “Growing up I always wanted to play for Glasgow Warriors and to get a good chance this season has been a lot of fun and I can’t wait for next year now.

“I was targeting the November and Six Nations periods for game time this season, but I’ve been fortunate that the coaches have rewarded performanc­es in training and it’s been great to get so many minutes under my belt.

“[Assistant coach] Mike Blair has really helped me this season and it’s been really positive, but there are areas of my game I need to work on and hopefully I can continue to do that.

“I’m just taking it one game at a time. My main goal at the moment is to get as many minutes under my belt as possible and contribute well to the team.”

Horne has also represente­d Scotland up to under-20s age-grade level and when he is not playing for the Warriors he runs out for Glasgow Hawks in the BT Premiershi­p.

Warriors head coach Dave Rennie said: “It’s brilliant that George is staying with us next season.

“I think he has been excellent this season and we’d expect him to get better and better.

“We need real depth in all positions and we’re pretty fortunate with the scrum-halves we have.

“George is a rare breed who can run all day and run at pace. He suits our game, he gets to the break-down really quickly and has an ability to get a second touch and anticipate breaks, which has resulted in a lot of tries for him.

“He still has a lot to work on and he’s fortunate we’ve got some very good nines who work together to develop each others games, but he’s certainly put a lot of pressure on the more experience­d players and he’s got a lot of starts because of it.”

 ??  ?? George Horne won McCrea Financial Warrior of the Month for January
George Horne won McCrea Financial Warrior of the Month for January

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