Glasgow Times

Male cat will not leave female moggy alone


I HAVE a male and female cat, both neutered, but Haribo (the male) is always following Lily around. The problem is Lily hates it and often hisses at Haribo. Why does Haribo do this? HARIBO wants to spend time with Lily even though she doesn’t want the same. If Haribo was neutered later in life, it might be because he has formed habits that keep him keen to pursue females despite the necessary apparatus. Or he might just be a particular­ly friendly cat. Most cats, like Lily, prefer their own company – but many are kept in houses with other cats which can be very stressful if they don’t have their own space. This stress can even lead to or worsen certain diseases. To reduce stress, make sure that both Haribo and Lily have enough key “resources” – things like scratchers, litter trays and beds. They should have one each plus a spare (so three litter trays for two cats), and they should be spaced out around the house so that Lily can avoid Haribo if she wishes. If the problem persists, ask your vet for further advice.

I HAVE two guinea pigs and one has a white lump near the end of her back. It seems painful as she squeals if I touch it. Can you help?

IT is important that you get your guinea pig checked out by your vet as soon as possible given how painful the lump is. It could be a number of different things. For example, one cause of a soft swelling that may be hot and painful to touch is an abscess. They can happen in the throat area if a thistle or thorn in the guinea pigs’ hay stabs the inside of their mouth as they chew and gets stuck, eventually moving through to under the chin. Scratches from sharp flooring or wire doors and sharp foodstuffs, such as straw, or a fight with another guinea pig can also cause an abscess. There are other conditions like boils, cysts and benign (not cancerous) tumours that can cause lumps, so I’d suggest you make an appointmen­t to see your vet as soon as you can. I’VE heard there is some canine parvovirus in my area at the moment, and I just wondered if this can be passed on to humans at all?

THE viruses that cause this disease are specific to dogs and cannot be passed to humans.

Dogs that are infected must be kept in isolation though, as for dogs canine parvovirus is a very serious illness that causes severe vomiting and diarrhoea and can often be fatal without treatment, especially in young puppies. It is highly infectious and can be passed between dogs very easily. Luckily, getting dogs vaccinated will significan­tly reduce the chances of them catching the disease, and will greatly reduce the severity of the illness if a dog did catch it.

MY job will take me to Holland for a year, but I don’t want to have to give up my cat, Ted. Is it possible to take him with me?

IT’S usually possible to take your pet overseas. You need to find a vet who is certified to make up a pet passport for travel within the EU – your normal vet might offer this or they will be able to point you in the right direction. As a minimum, your pet will need to be microchipp­ed and vaccinated against rabies. There’s usually a three-week gap between getting the vaccine and when they are allowed to be exported so work this into your time-frame for moving. Alternativ­ely, another option would be asking a friend or relative to look after him for a year until you’re back from Holland.

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