Glasgow Times


Heartbroke­n daughter tells of shocking abuse as worker is convicted after threats to cancer victim


THE devastated daughter of a vulnerable Glasgow woman who suffered shocking abuse at the hands of a carer says it ruined their final moments together.

Annamaria McPadden, 36, was yesterday convicted of subjecting cancer survivor Janette Griffin, 63, to horrific abuse at the Golfhill Care Home in Dennistoun – which included threatenin­g to “drown the b **** ” as she bathed her.

A HEARTBROKE­N daughter said she wont be happy unless a care assistant who threatened to drown her mum in a bath is behind bars.

Annemarie Griffin discovered the harrowing abuse her mother, Janette Griffin, suffered at the hands of care worker Annamaria McPadden last year and it “ruined” her final moments with her mum.

Yesterday McPadden, from Tollcross, was convicted of behaving in a threatenin­g or abusive manner towards the Miss Griffin at Golfhill Care Home in the city’s Dennistoun area on July 11, last year.

The 47-year-old told the Evening Times her mother changed following her ordeal just months before her death on December 14, last year.

She said: “I was wondering why my mum stopped calling me Annemarie near the end. Now I know it was too similar to her name – that woman took that away from me.

“It makes me feel better she was convicted but it all depends on her sentence, she needs to be in jail, and it depends how many years she gets. It just shows you don’t know who you’re working beside. It’s scary.”

Glasgow Sheriff Court heard McPadden, 36, told a colleague ‘let’s drown the b **** ’ and that she “wished the straps would snap” on the hoist 63-year-old Janette Griffin was being moved into a bath with.

While working with the vulnerable resident, McPadden also said she “couldn’t take to” the pensioner.

When Miss Griffin yelled “nurse”, irate McPadden told her “Shut up or I will give you something to shout about.”

Her colleague gave evidence at her trial at Glasgow Sheriff Court last month.

The charge had alleged she sprayed water in Miss Griffin’s eyes and sprayed deodorant in her face, but Sheriff Mary McCrory deleted those parts of the charge.

Defence lawyer Jack Brown made a legal submission on the last occasion, that there wasn’t enough evidence to convict but the sheriff rejected that yesterday and ultimately convicted McPadden.

It was heard Miss Griffin was bed bound, had trouble speaking, and needed help with daily tasks.

Cancer survivor Miss Griffin needed a hoist to be manoeuvred from her bed into a bath.

The witness said: “When the hoist was halfway up Annamarie said something along the lines of she wished the straps would snap.”

She recalled that when Miss Griffin was being washed that McPadden said to her “let’s just drown the b **** ”.

She also claimed McPadden put the shower hose on the resident’s face and held it there.

She said she tried to prevent the water from spraying on it because she “felt the hose was on her face too long”.

The witness also told the court that once out of the bath and on her bed, McPadden put wet towels on Miss Griffin’s face.

She said in her evidence she saw McPadden spray deodorant in the resident’s face as they took her to another part of the home.

She was upset afterwards at what she witnessed and reported the matter to her manager the following day.

Defence lawyer Jack Brown put to the witness that Miss Griffin was “stroppy” and would be abusive towards staff, which she agreed with.

The witness said: “She was difficult at times but you need to have patience to work in that kind of industry.”

The court heard evidence from another witness that McPadden was heard shouting “stop that” and “that’s not nice” and that she sounded “agitated”.

Sentence was deferred on McPadden – who has since lost her job – until next month, when she was ordained to appear.

‘‘ It makes me feel better she was convicted... it all depends on the sentence

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 ??  ?? Annemarie with her mum Janette, right and, above, Annamaria McPadden
Annemarie with her mum Janette, right and, above, Annamaria McPadden
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 ??  ?? Left, Annemarie with her mum Janette and a friend, and above, Janette in younger days. Below, Annamaria McPadden
Left, Annemarie with her mum Janette and a friend, and above, Janette in younger days. Below, Annamaria McPadden
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