Glasgow Times

Name in lights as Waltz play Barras

Highlands band set to make their debut at city’s legendary venue


FANS may know them as a six-piece from the Highlands of Scotland. But when they take to the Barrowland­s stage on Saturday, Neon Waltz will be meeting a long-time ambition by playing one of the most famous venues in what has become their favourite city.

Since their beginnings in 2014, Glasgow has been a home away from home for the band. A debut gig at King Tut’s has launched a series of tours across Scotland and the rest of the UK, supporting the likes of Noel Gallagher, The Coral and DMAs, who they will share a stage with on Saturday and Sunday.

Based in Caithness, Neon Waltz have enjoyed continued success, with a well-received debut album, Strange Hymns, released to acclaim last year before slots at the Summer Sessions in Glasgow.

The LP was nominated for Scottish Album of the Year, opening the act up to an even wider audience than they had before.

In the same year they played TRNSMT, as well as slots at other festivals across Scotland, with the band going from strength-to-strength over the past 12 months or so .

But for all of their success, the Barras have so far eluded them, something Neon Waltz frontman Jordan Shearer is relieved to be putting right this weekend.

He said: “Glasgow took us on board straight away. Our first ever gig was here back in 2014 in King Tut’s and everyone took to us.

“We’ve made a lot of friends here since so it’s really our favourite place, we’re not just saying that.

“It’s a lot different from where we’re from but all of us have lived in the central belt at some point so we’re used to it by now.

“We’ll arrive in Glasgow on Thursday, do some practice and probably have a big night out. The hangover doesn’t matter.

“We’ve never played the Barras before and we have always been absolutely desperate to do it.”

This weekend will mark the band’s third trip to Glasgow in 2018, having returned to King Tut’s in May and selling out the venue for the first time.

However, the occasion was marred by a tragic loss the Scottish music community, something which sticks with the band.

The frontman said: “It was a weird atmosphere as it was the day they announced Scott Hutchison had died.

“It was a bit of a sombre night but selling out was amazing for us.

“Twice before we had been just two tickets away from selling out so it felt like a big landmark to get over the line, even in unfortunat­e circumstan­ces.”

Friends and tourmates DMAs are well-known to Neon Waltz, having supported the act a few times already, including one previous show in Glasgow.

However, the link between the two is even closer to home, with one member of the indie trio discoverin­g an unlikely neighbour at his Edinburgh home.

According to the boys from Caithness, this familiarit­y adds to the excitement for their first show at the famed Barrowland­s.

Neon Waltz’s frontman explained: “It’s a weird one actually. We’ve played a few gigs with DMAs before and were on before them at the Summer Sessions.

“My girlfriend actually stays in Edinburgh and lives next door to Johnny (Took).

“We’re now good friends and it’s a good buzz to get that tour and to see them all again.”

This weekend does mark the start of a busy season for the band, with new releases and tours in the new year both anticipate­d.

After Glasgow they head down to Leeds before touring the rest of the UK.

Now having garnered experience with some of the UK’s biggest acts, the Barras will be less of an intimidati­ng venue at the weekend.

Jordan tells of Neon Waltz’s first venture on tour, with Augustines, something he describes as an “eye-opener” following a string of shows at some of Scotland’s smaller venues.

Following a quiet few months of writing, the sextet are relieved to now be back on the road, promising fans a faster pace to the band, both onstage and off.

Jordan added: “At the weekend, fans can expect one or two tunes that they’ve never heard before.

“There will be lots of energy and it will be very loud.

“We’ll just be doing the same as we always do. We can’t wait to go back on tour, we have been off since February.

“There’s going to be regular music from now on.

“I think we’ll be touring next year and we’ll announce that soon, and will try and release music every few months.

“We want to keep people on their toes, building to an album next year.

“Our fans have been starved for long enough.

“It’s full steam ahead from the tour onwards.”

•Neon Waltz play at the Barrowland, supporting DMAs on Saturday December 8 and Sunday December 9.

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Neon Waltz play at the Barrowland Ballroom this weekend

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