Glasgow Times



HAYLEY MILNE OURNAMENT director Craig Tiley insisted poor air quality in Melbourne is not a threat to the Australian Open being completed on schedule and defended organisers’ handling of the situation.

A number of players were furious at being asked to compete in smoky conditions for the first round of qualifying on Tuesday as the bush fires that have devastated parts of the country made their presence felt.

Slovenia’s Dalila Jakupovic retired from her match after having a coughing fit on court, saying afterwards that she was worried about her health, and several other players needed treatment.

Britain’s Liam Broady lost his first-round match against Ilya Ivashka on Tuesday and, in a message on Twitter yesterday, reiterated his unhappines­s with the situation.

The 26-year-old wrote: “The more I think about the

Tcondition­s we played in a few days ago, the more it boils my blood. We can’t let this slide. “The email we received yesterday from the ATP and AO was a slap in the face. Conditions were ‘playable’. Were they healthy? Citizens of Melbourne were warned to keep their animals indoors the day I played qualifying, and yet we were expected to go outside for high-intensity physical competitio­n? ALL players need protection not just a select few.”

The tournament’s response had been limited but Tiley spoke to reporters at Melbourne Park following Thursday’s draw.

He stressed: “We’ve said all along, and I’ll repeat it again, their safety, their well-being, their health, is of priority to us, as it is with our staff and our fans. We’ve done the best we can in communicat­ing with the tours. One thing I can say is this is about trusting the medical advice and the scientific advice.

“We care deeply about the players. I met with Dalila the same day, we’re going to have a follow-up catch-up tomorrow and just reiterate if there’s anything we can do and making sure she’s seeing the medical team and making sure she’s being taken care of.

“Absolutely we understand the anger. A lot of it comes in the confusion and the complexity of understand­ing what goes on. We’ve invited the players to come in at any time and have a conversati­on.”

A change in the wind direction yesterday led to much cooler, clearer conditions but there is every possibilit­y of the smoke returning at some point during the main tournament, which begins on Monday.

Tiley said officials would not stick rigidly to their policy if the evidence suggested conditions were not safe.

He said: “Our medical team were satisfied with the condition in which the players were competing, but they also make an assessment.

“You could have been two hours into those matches and 25 people presenting themselves with a medical condition that may be related to the pollutants. If that’s the case, inform me, we stop.”

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