Glasgow Times

THE SECRET GLASGOW TAXI DRIVER I finally made it to Inveraray... thanks to a snow plough



RAIN, rain and more rain. Chance of floods, threats of landslides, Rest and Be Thankful closed again. Which reminds me of a hire back in the day. When it came up on the system that afternoon it looked like a belter. Collecting at Central Station and taking the passengers all the way to Inveraray.

( I won’t quote the price – but if you are really that curious, give our call centre a phone to get a fixed one!)

Anyway, it was early in the New Year, still winter, and although there was a chance of light snow showers I was confident I could get there and back that evening and be home in time for EastEnders.

It all started to go Pete Tong – as they might say in the Queen Vic! – when the incoming train was 45 minutes late. Nothing anyone can do about that.

Eventually, a lovely English couple, recently retired, arrived at the side of my cab and I helped them in with their luggage before setting off on the long road ahead.

Inveraray was leg one on their mini tour of the west of Scotland and they didn’t want to leave anything to chance, hence the taxi.

If only they’d known what was about to happen they’d have been better getting a helicopter!

As we passed Duck Bay Marina the weather turned. Once we got to Arrochar it was proper Welcome To Scotland stuff.

The snow was so deep so quickly I half expected to see Rocky Balboa running past, training to fight Ivan Drago!

The only way I got the couple to Inveraray was by speaking nicely to a snow plough driver clearing the road and getting him to let me follow him most of the way.

The journey had taken double the time I’d hoped but my passengers were so happy when I dropped them off – and their tip reflected it.

I did my best to get all the way back quickly but with worsening driving conditions the game was a bogey. It was now decision time – book a hotel or slum it in the cab. There was only one winner!

So there I was, parked up by the side of the road just beyond Loch Restil, switching the engine on every half hour or so to get a heat.

Strangely enough, it was one of the best night’s sleep I ever had – and one of the best morning views. I really did Rest and Be Thankful.

Stay safe!

I once had

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